Alexei Prikhodkine

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexei Prikhodkine plays a role.


Responses to Language Varieties: Variability, processes and outcomes

Edited by Alexei Prikhodkine and Dennis R. Preston

Subjects Sociolinguistics and Dialectology


Prikhodkine, Alexei 2021 Attitudes to accentsPragmatics of Accents, Planchenault, Gaëlle and Livia Poljak (eds.), pp. 19–40 | Chapter
This chapter looks at the processes involved in the development of the attitudes to voices. After outlining the main outcomes – and their social issues – of different research traditions related to language regard studies (such as language attitude research, language ideology analysis), it goes… read more
Prikhodkine, Alexei 2015 Attitudes and language detail: Effects of specifying linguistic stimuliResponses to Language Varieties: Variability, processes and outcomes, Prikhodkine, Alexei and Dennis R. Preston (eds.), pp. 219–242 | Article
In this chapter, I explore to what extent different levels of language detail in the presentation of attitude targets have an impact on the expression of language attitudes. Results from the research carried out in the Frenchspeaking part of Switzerland (Suisse romande) reveal that the evaluation… read more
Prikhodkine, Alexei and Dennis R. Preston 2015 IntroductionResponses to Language Varieties: Variability, processes and outcomes, Prikhodkine, Alexei and Dennis R. Preston (eds.), pp. vii–xiv | Article