Astrid Alexander-Bakkerus
List of John Benjamins publications for which Astrid Alexander-Bakkerus plays a role.
Nominalization in Cholón Word Formation in South American Languages, Danielsen, Swintha, Katja Hannss and Fernando Zúñiga (eds.), pp. 207–224 | Article
2014 In Amerindian languages and in many other agglutinative languages, subordination is often a matter of nominalization. In Cholón, a language spoken in North-Peru, this is certainly the case: nominalized forms coincide with subordinate clauses. In this language, a nominalized verb form can also be… read more
Subordination in Cholón Subordination in Native South American Languages, Gijn, Rik van, Katharina Haude and Pieter Muysken (eds.), pp. 193–220 | Article
2011 In Cholón, an indigenous language from northern Peru, subordinate clauses are formed by means of nominalizers or subordinators. Most of these markers attach to reduced verb forms, but some nominalizers are attached to a fully inflected form. Nominalizers can be followed by a case marker or by a… read more
The Vocabulary of the Lengua de Maynas, MS. Egerton 2881 of the British Library Missionary Linguistics IV / Lingüística misionera IV: Lexicography, Zwartjes, Otto, Ramón Arzápalo Marín and Thomas C. Smith-Stark (eds.), pp. 211–231 | Article
2009 El manuscrito Egerton 2881 de la British Library (Londres) data del comienzo del siglo XIX. El autor del manuscrito es anónimo. En los folios 7 y 40 recto se encuentran las siguientes observaciones: folio 7 r. : “Es del vso del V.P. Fr. Eusebio Arias”; folio 40 r. : “Pertenesco al P. Fr. Eusebio… read more
Cholón Sounds Reconstructed: A symbol analysis Missionary Linguistics II / Lingüística misionera II: Orthography and Phonology, Zwartjes, Otto and Cristina Altman (eds.), pp. 181–190 | Article