Francesco Arcidiacono
List of John Benjamins publications for which Francesco Arcidiacono plays a role.
Chapter 11. The transmission of what is taken for granted in children’s socialization: The role of argumentation in family interactions Argumentation across Communities of Practice: Multi-disciplinary perspectives, Ilie, Cornelia and Giuliana Garzone (eds.), pp. 259–288 | Chapter
2017 Argumentation is often considered as a way to transmit explicit information. However, in daily context-based activities, argumentation practices are embedded in discussions where many norms, beliefs, and values are taken for granted. Our objective is to evaluate the consequences of this daily… read more
The dialogic construction of justifications and arguments of a seven-year-old child within a ‘democratic’ family Language and Dialogue 6:2, pp. 306–328 | Article
2016 The paper focuses on arguing and reasoning processes occurring at dinnertime family conversations. Our goal is to highlight the interplay between two sides of argumentative practices: the justification as social need to provide evidences for an assertion; the dialogic function of argumentation… read more
Beyond conflicts: Origin and types of issues leading to argumentative discussions during family mealtimes Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 3:2, pp. 263–288 | Article
2015 This paper sets out to investigate the issues leading parents to engage in argumentative discussions with their children during mealtimes. Within a data corpus of 30 video-recorded meals of 10 middle to upper-middle-class Swiss and Italian families with a high socio-cultural level, 107… read more
Knowledge-oriented argumentation in children Scrutinizing Argumentation in Practice, Eemeren, Frans H. van and Bart Garssen (eds.), pp. 135–150 | Article
2015 This paper analyzes children’s argumentative discussions centered on the resolution of cognitive tasks, starting from the hypothesis that children’s interventions are more complex and complete than usually described in psychological research on argumentation skills. Our results can be viewed as a… read more