R.-L. Etienne Barnett

List of John Benjamins publications for which R.-L. Etienne Barnett plays a role.


Barnett, R.-L. Etienne 2013 Poétique de la rupture spectrale: Hantise et ressassementRevue Romane 48:1, pp. 119–130 | Article
Sociologists and historians of genealogical filiations invoke modernity as the dissolution of traditional communities that formerly, albeit oft tacitly, bound descendants to ancestors. So as to invent oneself spontaneously and without restraint, the modern figure breaks with the strictures of the… read more
Barnett, R.-L. Etienne 2011 Jeux transgressifs: Sur les égarements rochiensRevue Romane 46:1, pp. 127–135 | Article
In the textualized universe of Denis Roche, the poetic impulse is inextricably linked to the unstable framework in which such matter is cast. Utterances of language translate the power of transgression.The text is birthed as an object of inquiry, ultimately to be dismantled : the poem is both… read more
Barnett, R.-L. Etienne 2009 Cioran et le gouffre temporelRevue Romane 44:1, pp. 83–93 | Article
In the Cioranian universe, language and time, both inextricably bound, both chillingly perverse, constitute icons of what is, contextually, an inexorable vision of the human condition. The pairing progenerates specters, phantasms of the void, pernicious and vacuous. It is at the perilous, indeed,… read more