Manuel Delicado Cantero
List of John Benjamins publications for which Manuel Delicado Cantero plays a role.
Chapter 2. Subcategorization and change: A diachronic analysis of sin embargo (de que) Contemporary Trends in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics: Selected papers from the Hispanic Linguistic Symposium 2015, MacDonald, Jonathan E. (ed.), pp. 31–48 | Chapter
2018 This paper analyzes the syntactic and semantic changes undergone by the PP sin embargo ‘without obstacle/impediment’ as it develops its clause-taking properties in Spanish from the 12th to the 16th centuries, essential for its further reanalysis as a concessive connective. We argue against an… read more
Dequeísmo and queísmo in Portuguese
and Spanish Portuguese-Spanish Interfaces: Diachrony, synchrony, and contact, Amaral, Patrícia and Ana Maria Carvalho (eds.), pp. 95–120 | Article
2014 This chapter explores the nature and scope of two non-normative phenomena typical of Portuguese and Spanish: dequeísmo and queísmo. In so doing, it concentrates on specific goals: to establish coherent definitions for both languages that provide a lens through which to re-examine the data, to test… read more