Henry S. Cheang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Henry S. Cheang plays a role.


Cheang, Henry S. and Marc D. Pell 2013 Recognizing sarcasm without language: A cross-linguistic study of English and CantoneseProsody and Humor, Attardo, Salvatore, Manuela Maria Wagner and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi (eds.), pp. 15–35 | Article
The goal of the present research was to determine whether certain speaker intentions conveyed through prosody in an unfamiliar language can be accurately recognized. English and Cantonese utterances expressing sarcasm, sincerity, humorous irony, or neutrality through prosody were presented to… read more
Cheang, Henry S. and Marc D. Pell 2011 Recognizing sarcasm without language: A cross-linguistic study of English and CantoneseProsody and Humor, Attardo, Salvatore, Manuela Maria Wagner and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi (eds.), pp. 203–223 | Article
The goal of the present research was to determine whether certain speaker intentions conveyed through prosody in an unfamiliar language can be accurately recognized. English and Cantonese utterances expressing sarcasm, sincerity, humorous irony, or neutrality through prosody were presented to… read more