Paul A. Gruba

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paul A. Gruba plays a role.

Increased attention to urban diversity as a site of study has fostered the recent development of linguistic landscape studies. To date, however, much of the research in this area has concerned the use and spread of English to the exclusion of other global languages. In a case study situated in… read more
Despite an increased emphasis on form-focused instruction (FFI), the use of the computer as a grammar tutor has remained largelyunexamined for nearly two decades. With new technologies at hand, there is a need to take a fresh look at online grammar tutors andlink designs more strongly to… read more
Despite the popularity and widespread influence of broadcast video media, this paper argues that applied linguists has generally ignored such media as a site of research. Media research techniques, emphasising qualitative approaches within second language settings, are discussed from a… read more