Rui Li

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rui Li plays a role.


The publication of Wilhelm Lobscheid’s (1822–1893) English and Chinese Dictionary, with the Punti and Mandarin Pronunciation (1866–1869) marked a turning point in the history of English-Chinese lexicography. This article traces the genealogy of Lobscheid’s English and Chinese Dictionary by… read more
The Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect, compiled by Robert Morrison (1782–1834) and published in 1828 in Macao, was the first bilingual dictionary of Cantonese in a Western language. This article traces the genealogy of the Vocabulary by examining Morrison’s sources. It is shown how Morrison… read more
During his work on his Chinese and English Dictionary (1842–1843) Walter Henry Medhurst (1796–1857) dramatically changed his compilation strategy by shifting from depending almost exclusively on Robert Morrison’s (1782–1834) Chinese-English dictionary, Zidian 字典 (1815–1823) to depending on… read more