Sarah Berthaud
List of John Benjamins publications for which Sarah Berthaud plays a role.
How subject animacy constrains motion event descriptions: Evidence from sequential and simultaneous bilinguals in French and English Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 9:2, pp. 163–201 | Article
2019 Research has indicated that during sentence processing, French native speakers predominantly rely upon lexico-semantic cues (i.e., animacy) while native speakers of English rely upon syntactic cues (i.e., word order). The present study examined sentence production in L1 French/L2 English and L1… read more
L2 acquisition of verbal constructions: Expressing motion in L2 French and English Constructions in French, Bouveret, Myriam and Dominique Legallois (eds.), pp. 155–174 | Article
2012 The study examines the production of sentences describing motion in L2 learners, focusing on progress in learning verbal constructions, i.e. pairings of verbs of motion and their compatible syntactic frames in English and French. This is an important issue because verbs that are translational… read more