Benjamin Anible

List of John Benjamins publications for which Benjamin Anible plays a role.


Ferrara, Lindsay, Benjamin Anible and Lena Mei Kalvenes Anda 2023 Chapter 3. Exploring sign-writing contact and multilingualism in the Norwegian Deaf communityAdvances in Sign Language Corpus Linguistics, Wehrmeyer, Ella (ed.), pp. 66–89 | Chapter
In this chapter, we detail the on-going work related to the Norwegian Sign Language Corpus and lexical database (Norwegian Signbank). In particular, we highlight the corpus’ interactional focus and discuss its implications for a description of Norwegian Sign Language grammar and lexicon. We then… read more
Occhino, Corrine, Benjamin Anible, Erin Wilkinson and Jill P. Morford 2017 Iconicity is in the eye of the beholder: How language experience affects perceived iconicityGesture 16:1, pp. 100–126 | Article
A renewed interest in understanding the role of iconicity in the structure and processing of signed languages is hampered by the conflation of iconicity and transparency in the definition and operationalization of iconicity as a variable. We hypothesize that iconicity is fundamentally different… read more