Mary Jill Brody

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mary Jill Brody plays a role.


This pilot study examines texts from three generations of speakers of Tojol-ab’al, a Mayan language that has been in long-term contact with Spanish, to determine the influence from Spanish on Tojol-ab’al narrative discourse. Discourse markers borrowed from Spanish and those indigenous to… read more
Brody, Mary Jill 2017 “You’re just workin’ for yourself”: Directive strategies in yoga instructional discourseImperatives and Directive Strategies, Van Olmen, Daniël and Simone Heinold (eds.), pp. 159–180 | Chapter
In this paper, I examine directives uttered by yoga teachers to their students during classes, with special attention to their frequency of use and their degree of modification. Yoga instructional discourse is shown to be characterized by a wide range of directives, from bald imperatives to… read more