Maria Jodlowiec

List of John Benjamins publications for which Maria Jodlowiec plays a role.


This paper explores the nature of clickbaiting as a form of viral journalism from a relevance-theoretic perspective (Sperber and Wilson 1995; Wilson and Sperber 2012). The focus is on deceptive clickbaits, i.e., manipulative internet headlines whose interpretation, based on the way they are… read more
Jodlowiec, Maria and Agnieszka Piskorska 2020 Chapter 2. Metonymic relations – from determinacy to indeterminacyRelevance Theory, Figuration, and Continuity in Pragmatics, Piskorska, Agnieszka (ed.), pp. 45–65 | Chapter
The chapter offers an account of metonymy and discusses some stylistic effects which may be provided by metonymic expressions. We treat metonymically communicated concepts as part of the inferentially established proposition of an utterance and argue that many such concepts may be indeterminate. We… read more
Jodlowiec, Maria 2010 3. The role of relevance theory in SLA studiesCognitive Processing in Second Language Acquisition: Inside the learner's mind, Pütz, Martin and Laura Sicola (eds.), pp. 49–66 | Article