Accessibility statement

[Last updated: 9 September 2022] ERROR: infer-doitype: no results for Last updated: 9 September 2022

This website and the JB e-Platform aim to comply with international accessibility standards, including level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1). Our commitment to making our website, platform and publications accessible is an ongoing process and we continually strive to improve the accessibility.

Accessibility of our electronic content

Books: most of the e-books published before 2000 have been digitized later into scanned PDF with an lightly corrected text layer for searching; after 2000, the e-books are mostly web-ready PDF, and books published since the end of 2016 have an ePub3 edition in addition to the PDF.

Journals: journal content published before 2000 is mostly only available as scanned PDF with an uncorrected text layer for searching; after 2000, all journal articles are web-ready PDF, since 2017 we have added full-text HTML (using the JATS standard). In the course of 2022, we have started adding ePuB3 versions to newly published journal articles.

If you encounter any difficulty using this website or JB e-Platform, or if you have any comments or questions, please contact anke.delooper at benjamin.