Winnie Chor

List of John Benjamins publications for which Winnie Chor plays a role.


Subjects Historical linguistics | Sino-Tibetan languages | Theoretical linguistics


Chor, Winnie, Foong Ha Yap and Tak-Sum Wong 2016 Chinese interrogative particles as talk coordinators at the right periphery: A discourse–pragmatic perspectivePeriphery – Diachronic and Cross-Linguistic Approaches, Higashiizumi, Yuko, Noriko O. Onodera and Sung-Ock S. Sohn (eds.), pp. 178–207 | Article
This paper examines how utterance-final interrogative particles in Chinese contribute to the management of local and global coherence in conversational discourse. Using Schiffrin’s (1987) model of discourse coherence, and focusing in particular on the Cantonese particle ho2 we show how an… read more
Yap, Foong Ha and Winnie Chor 2014 Epistemic, evidential and attitudinal markers in clause-medial position in CantoneseModes of Modality: Modality, typology, and universal grammar, Leiss, Elisabeth and Werner Abraham (eds.), pp. 219–260 | Article
This paper examines two types of clause-medial stance markers in Cantonese.* We trace the evolution of these stance markers from their lexical origins as complement-taking psych verbs and directional verbs. Similar to English I think parentheticals, the evolution of the Cantonese psych verbs (e.g.… read more