Lexi Webster
List of John Benjamins publications for which Lexi Webster plays a role.
“Ties that bind”: The continued conflation of sex, sexuality and gender 10th Anniversary Issue: Reflections on the Field of Language and Sexuality Studies, Leap, William L. and Heiko Motschenbacher (eds.), pp. 63–70 | Article
2021 Few in the humanities and social sciences will doubt the long-standing historical conflation of sex, sexuality and gender both within and without academia. Despite research and socio-political movements aiming for the contrary, it continues even now. This paper discusses the ongoing conflation… read more
“I wanna be a toy”: Self-sexualisation in gender-variant Twitter users’ biographies Corpus Linguistics in Language and Sexuality Studies: Developments and Prospects, Motschenbacher, Heiko (ed.), pp. 205–236 | Article
2018 The paradigmatic transgender woman is often negatively oversexualised, pornographised and fetishised in mainstream conceptualisations and discourses. However, self-sexualisation by transgender individuals is often portrayed as a (sex-)positive social phenomenon. Little research has been… read more