Latest articles

27 August 2024

  • Translation selection and the consecration of Dylan Thomas’s poetry in China: A sociological perspective
    Jinquan YuChunli Shen
  • 5 August 2024

  • “Determined to prove a villain”: Disability, translation, and the narratives of evil in Shakespeare’s Richard III
    Eva Spišiaková
  • 5 July 2024

  • The representation of African American identity on screen for a Spanish audience: A multimodal approach to the dubbing of Luke Cage, Bamboozled, and Tropic Thunder
    Stuart Green
  • 23 April 2024

  • Situated minds and distributed systems in translation: Exploring the conceptual and empirical implications
    Raphael SannholmHanna Risku | TARGET 36:2 (2024) pp. 159–183
  • Ilse Feinauer, Amanda MaraisMarius Swart (eds.). 2023. Translation Flows: Exploring Networks of People, Processes and Products
    Reviewed by Yuan Ping
  • 9 April 2024

  • A competence matrix for machine translation-oriented data literacy teaching
    Ralph KrügerJaniça Hackenbuchner | TARGET 36:2 (2024) pp. 245–275
  • 2 April 2024

  • To be or not to be: A translation reception study of a literary text translated into Dutch and Catalan using machine translation
    Ana Guerberof-ArenasAntonio Toral | TARGET 36:2 (2024) pp. 215–244
  • 22 March 2024

  • Features of translation policies on the Chinese mainland (1979–2021): A corpus-based analysis of policy documents under a new classification
    Huiyu Zhang, Hailing Zhang, Yayu ShiYueyu Chen | TARGET 36:2 (2024) pp. 276–310
  • 1 March 2024

  • The multimodal translation workshop as a method of creative inquiry: Acousmatic sound, affective perception, and experiential literacy
    Madeleine CampbellRicarda Vidal | TARGET 36:2 (2024) pp. 184–214
  • Spencer Hawkins. 2023. German Philosophy in English Translation: Postwar Translation History and the Making of the Contemporary Anglophone Humanities
    Reviewed by Gary Massey | TARGET 36:2 (2024) pp. 316–321
  • 23 February 2024

  • Silvia Pettini. 2022. The Translation of Realia and Irrealia in Game Localization: Culture-Specificity between Realism and Fictionality
    Reviewed by Jiannan Song | TARGET 36:2 (2024) pp. 311–315
  • 11 December 2023

  • Style in speech and narration of two English translations of Hongloumeng : A corpus-based multidimensional study
    Isabelle ChouKanglong Liu | TARGET 36:1 (2024) p. 76
  • 24 November 2023

  • Exploring the motivations of student volunteer translators in Chinese queer activism: A Q-methodological study
    Yizhu LiYoulan Tao | TARGET 36:1 (2024) pp. 112–136
  • 10 October 2023

  • The fight metaphor in translation: From patriotism to pragmatism. A corpus-based critical analysis of metaphor in China’s political discourse
    Yang Wu | TARGET 36:1 (2024) pp. 50–75
  • 3 October 2023

  • Dominique Faria, Marta Pacheco PintoJoana Moura (eds.). 2023. Reframing Translators, Translators as Reframers
    Reviewed by Hua Song | TARGET 35:4 (2023) pp. 649–654
  • 14 September 2023

  • How to break a norm and get away with it: A case study of two translators
    Jing Yu | TARGET 36:1 (2024) pp. 137–157
  • 1 September 2023

  • Subtitlers’ beliefs about pivot templates: What do they tell us about language hierarchies and translation quality in streaming service platforms?
    Susana Valdez, Hanna Pięta, Ester Torres-SimónRita Menezes | TARGET 35:3 (2023) pp. 426–454
  • 29 August 2023

  • Translation and streaming in a changing world
    Jinsil Choi, Kyung Hye KimJonathan Evans | TARGET 35:3 (2023) pp. 319–330
  • 24 August 2023

  • Disruptive AVT workflows in the age of streaming: The Netflix equation
    Serenella Massidda | TARGET 35:3 (2023) pp. 455–475
  • 4 August 2023

  • Can you amuse the audience through an interpreter? Parliamentary interpreting and humour
    Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk | TARGET 36:1 (2024) pp. 26–49
  • 20 July 2023

  • The audience strikes back: Agency and accountability in audiovisual translation and distribution
    Chiara Bucaria | TARGET 35:3 (2023) pp. 331–353
  • The Boys in the Band : Linguistic and aesthetic nostalgia in translation
    Antonio Jesús Martínez PleguezuelosIván Villanueva-Jordán | TARGET 35:3 (2023) pp. 404–425
  • Theorizing a postmodern translator education
    Kelly Washbourne | TARGET 36:1 (2024) pp. 1–25
  • 9 June 2023

  • Translating intercultural interactions in the Netflix-branded film American Factory
    Bei Hu | TARGET 35:3 (2023) pp. 378–403
  • 30 May 2023

  • Corpus stylistic analysis of literary translation using multilevel linguistic measures: James Joyce’s Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and their Korean translations
    Jisu Ryu, Soonbae Kim, Arthur C. GraesserMoongee Jeon | TARGET 35:4 (2023) pp. 514–539
  • 25 May 2023

  • Esperança Bielsa. 2023. A Translational Sociology: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Politics and Society
    Reviewed by Li Chen | TARGET 35:3 (2023) pp. 476–481
  • 23 May 2023

  • Bilingual subtitling in streaming media: Pedagogical implications
    Katerina Gouleti | TARGET 35:3 (2023) pp. 354–377
  • Use of statistical methods in translation and interpreting research: A longitudinal quantitative analysis of eleven peer-reviewed journals (2000–2020)
    Chao Han, Xiaolei LuPeixin Zhang | TARGET 35:4 (2023) pp. 483–513
  • 3 April 2023

  • Human and machine translation of occasionalisms in literary texts: Johann Nestroy’s Der Talisman and its English translations
    Waltraud Kolb, Wolfgang U. DresslerElisa Mattiello | TARGET 35:4 (2023) pp. 540–572
  • 16 March 2023

  • Translator work practices and the construction of the correct interpretation of Marxism in post-war Greece
    Christina Delistathi | TARGET 35:4 (2023) pp. 573–594