Chapter 2
How to internationalise and empower academic research?
The role of language and academic conventions in Linguistics
The current chapter accounts for the trends of internationalisation in research papers in Linguistics with a primary
focus on academic conventions in articles published in a national journal in various languages (including Lithuanian
and English) as compared to those published in a well-established international journal (solely in English). The
trends of internationalisation are assessed with regard to the overall journal structure, publication languages, the
degree of transnational cooperation, and the rhetorical structure of the papers. Based on the results, it is argued
that in the field of Linguistics it is not so much the language that predetermines differences in the two journals,
but the academic conventions that differ across cultures and publishing houses.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Data
- 3.Results
- 3.1Main features of the journals
- 3.1.1Journal sections
- 3.1.2Language-scape in Baltistica
- 3.1.3Transnational cooperation and co-authorship
- 3.2The macro-structure of research articles
- 3.2.1The overall structure of RAs
- 3.2.2Introductions in RAs
- 3.2.3Description of data and methods
- 3.2.4Concluding section(s) in RAs
- 4.Conclusions and implications