Chapter 3
When a psycholinguist enters the multilingual classroom
Bridging the gap between psycholinguistics and pronunciation
There is a general agreement that teachers
experience challenges when it comes to dealing with learners who
already use two languages daily (Angelovska, 2019). Several learner
individual differences could influence the outcomes in pronunciation
learning and teaching, e.g., the three (or more) sound systems, the
potential sources for transfer, or the transfer type and direction
to name but a few.
This chapter aims to bridge the gap between
research and practice by informing the practice of pronunciation
teaching. First, some of the psycholinguistic accounts of L3/Ln
pronunciation acquisition are described. Then, a discussion follows
about what research evidence we have and that which we lack for
L3/Ln pronunciation teaching. Finally, possible implications for
teaching in multilingual classrooms are proposed.
Article outline
- Introduction
- The multilingual classroom
- Differences between L2 and L3 learners in pronunciation
- Psycholinguistic accounts of L3/Ln pronunciation
- Teaching L3/Ln pronunciation: Extensions and challenges
- Pedagogical recommendations for L3/Ln pronunciation
- Calls for action
- Calls for teachers
- Acknowledge linguistically diverse classrooms
- Address phonetic similarity which could trigger transfer
in L3/Ln pronunciation acquisition
- Calls for researchers
- Consider the diversity of learner profiles
- Consider the type of measures used to investigate L3/Ln
perception and production
- Conclusion
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► pp. 1 ff.
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