Chapter 14
Differential effects of lexical and non-lexical high-variability
phonetic training on the production of L2 vowels
This study investigated the effects of
phonetically-oriented and lexically-oriented high-variability
phonetic training. Forty-one L1-Catalan/Spanish EFL learners were
randomly assigned to three groups. Two were trained on the English
/æ/-/ʌ/ contrast either through nonwords (n=14) or
words (n=12), and an untrained group
(n=15) served as control. Training consisted of
discrimination, identification, and immediate repetition tasks.
Participants were tested on their vowel production through a delayed
word repetition task. Gains were assessed through normalised
Bark-converted spectral distance scores between trainees’ and native
speakers’ productions of the target sounds. The results revealed
that the nonword group’s vowel qualities were closer to those of
native speakers at post-test, suggesting that attention to phonetic
detail induced by nonword-based training was superior to
lexically-oriented training.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Conditions in HVPT
- Methods
- Participants
- Materials
- Phonetic training
- Testing
- Procedures
- Data analysis
- Results
- Generalisation effects
- Training group effects
- Discussion
- Pedagogical implications
- Conclusion
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Mora, Joan C. & Isabelle Darcy
Individual differences in attention control and the processing of phonological contrasts in a second language.
Phonetica 80:3-4
► pp. 153 ff.
Mora-Plaza, Ingrid, Mireia Ortega & Joan C. Mora
High-Variability Phonetic Training Under Different Conditions: Individual Differences in Auditory Attention Control. In
Theoretical and Practical Developments in English Speech Assessment, Research, and Training [
Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],
► pp. 241 ff.
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