Wagner, Manuela & Dominique Galvez
Intercultural Learning in Secondary School Contexts and in Adult Education. In
The Handbook of Plurilingual and Intercultural Language Learning,
► pp. 289 ff.

Azpilicueta-Martínez, Raúl
Exposure or age? The effect of additional CLIL instruction on young learners’ grammatical complexity while performing an oral task.
Language Teaching Research 
Azpilicueta-Martínez, Raúl
Carabelli, Patricia
Becoming a Content and Language Integrated Learning Specialist: Exploring the Voices of English Language Teachers in Uruguay. In
Content and Language Integrated Learning in South America [
Multilingual Education, 46],
► pp. 205 ff.

Lázaro-Ibarrola, Amparo
What factors contribute to the proficiency of young EFL learners in primary school? Assessing the role of CLIL intensity, extramural English, non-verbal intelligence and socioeconomic status.
Language Teaching Research 
Lázaro‐Ibarrola, Amparo
Intensity Matters Inside and Outside Primary School: Evidence from High‐CLIL, Low‐CLIL, and Non‐CLIL Learners.
TESOL Quarterly 
Pittas, Evdokia & Leah Tompkins
A systematic review of student learning outcomes in CLIL in LOTE.
Frontiers in Education 9

Roquet Pugès, Helena, Noelia Navarro Gil & Florentina Nicolás-Conesa
Bulon, Amélie & Fanny Meunier
Comparing CLIL and non-CLIL learners’ phrasicon in L2 Dutch: the (expected) winner does not take it all.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 26:5
► pp. 590 ff.

Del Mar Sánchez-Pérez, María
The impact of EMI on student English writing proficiency in a Spanish undergraduate engineering context.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 13:2
► pp. 373 ff.

Hendrikx, Isa & Kristel Van Goethem
Receptive knowledge of intensifying adjectival compounds: Belgian French-speaking CLIL and non-CLIL learners of Dutch and English.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 26:5
► pp. 614 ff.

Kemsies, Ronald & Georg Hellmayr
Content and Language Integrated Learning. In
Language Education Programs [
Language Policy, 34],
► pp. 157 ff.

Llinares, Ana & Nashwa Nashaat-Sobhy
CLIL Students’ Academic Language Performance on a Non-curricular Topic: a Comparison Between High-Exposure and Low-Exposure Groups.
English Teaching & Learning 47:3
► pp. 337 ff.

Martínez-Adrián, María & María Nieva-Marroquín
Exploring the pseudo-longitudinal development of specific morphosyntactic features and syntactic complexity in CLIL young learners.
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:3
► pp. 1197 ff.

Vinuesa Benítez, Virginia
CLIL Soft Models: The Challenge of Teaching Very Young Language Learners. In
Handbook of CLIL in Pre-primary Education [
Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],
► pp. 31 ff.

Vraciu, Alexandra & Anna Marsol
Content-specific vocabulary in CLIL: Exploring L2 learning outcomes in a primary education programme in Catalonia.
Language Teaching Research 
Zhu, Yan, Yue Liu, Nana Yang & Jonathan Newton
Changing teacher educator cognition within a collaborative teacher education programme for CLIL: A case study in China.
Language Teaching Research 
Villabona, Nerea & Jasone Cenoz
The integration of content and language in CLIL: a challenge for content-driven and language-driven teachers.
Language, Culture and Curriculum 35:1
► pp. 36 ff.

Graham, Keith M. & Zohreh R. Eslami
Writing measures and outcomes in CLIL and EMI.
Writing & Pedagogy 12:2-3
► pp. 341 ff.

Madrid Fernández, Daniel, Antonio Bueno González & Juan Ráez Padilla
Investigating the Effects of CLIL on Language Attainment: Instrument Design and Validation. In
Content and Language Integrated Learning in Monolingual Settings [
Multilingual Education, 38],
► pp. 71 ff.

Montaner-Villalba, Salvador
Content and language integrated learning (CLIL): an effective methodological approach to teach foreign languages in mainstream education.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 24:4
► pp. 595 ff.

Pawliszko, Judyta
The effectiveness of intercultural comparison tasks in written discourse development: An empirical research.
tekst i dyskurs - text und diskurs :15 (2021)
► pp. 385 ff.

Lahuerta, Ana
Analysis of accuracy in the writing of EFL students enrolled on CLIL and non-CLIL programmes: the impact of grade and gender.
The Language Learning Journal 48:2
► pp. 121 ff.

Van Mensel, Luk, Amélie Bulon, Isa Hendrikx, Fanny Meunier & Kristel Van Goethem
Vidal, Karina & Scott Jarvis
Effects of English-medium instruction on Spanish students’ proficiency and lexical diversity in English.
Language Teaching Research 24:5
► pp. 568 ff.

Whittaker, Rachel & Anne McCabe
Nassaji, Hossein & Eva Kartchava
Content-Based L2 Teaching. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning,
► pp. 597 ff.

San Isidro, Xabier & David Lasagabaster
The impact of CLIL on pluriliteracy development and content learning in a rural multilingual setting: A longitudinal study.
Language Teaching Research 23:5
► pp. 584 ff.

Alonso-Belmonte, Isabel & María Fernández-Agüero
The C of Cognition in CLIL Teacher Education: Some Insights from Classroom-Based Research. In
Key Issues in English for Specific Purposes in Higher Education [
English Language Education, 11],
► pp. 305 ff.

Gutiérrez-Mangado, M. Juncal & María Martínez-Adrián
Pérez, María del Mar Sánchez & María Enriqueta Cortés de los Ríos
A Genre-Register Analysis of a Tourism Brochure Written by Students in an EMI University Context. In
Innovative Perspectives on Tourism Discourse [
Advances in Hospitality, Tourism, and the Services Industry, ],
► pp. 246 ff.

Hernandez-Nanclares, Nuria & Antonio Jimenez-Munoz
English as a medium of instruction: evidence for language and content targets in bilingual education in economics.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 20:7
► pp. 883 ff.

Yang, Wenhsien
Tuning university undergraduates for high mobility and employability under the content and language integrated learning approach.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 20:6
► pp. 607 ff.

Azkarai, Agurtzane & Ainara Imaz Agirre
Negotiation of Meaning Strategies in Child EFL Mainstream and CLIL Settings.
TESOL Quarterly 50:4
► pp. 844 ff.

Tragant, Elsa, Anna Marsol, Raquel Serrano & Àngels Llanes
Vocabulary learning at primary school: a comparison of EFL and CLIL.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 19:5
► pp. 579 ff.

Bijeikienė, Vilma & Daiva Pundziuvienė
IDKM diegimas Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose: atvejo analizė.
Coactivity: Philology, Educology 23:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Gené-Gil, Maria, Maria Juan-Garau & Joana Salazar-Noguera
Writing Development Under CLIL Provision. In
Content-based Language Learning in Multilingual Educational Environments [
Educational Linguistics, 23],
► pp. 139 ff.

Gené-Gil, Maria, Maria Juan-Garau & Joana Salazar-Noguera
Development of EFL writing over three years in secondary education: CLIL and non-CLIL settings.
The Language Learning Journal 43:3
► pp. 286 ff.

Martínez Adrián, María & María Junkal Gutiérrez Mangado
Muñoz, Carmen
Time and Timing in CLIL: A Comparative Approach to Language Gains. In
Content-based Language Learning in Multilingual Educational Environments [
Educational Linguistics, 23],
► pp. 87 ff.

Roquet, Helena & Carmen Pérez-Vidal
Do Productive Skills Improve in Content and Language Integrated Learning Contexts? The Case of Writing.
Applied Linguistics ► pp. amv050 ff.

Ruiz de Zarobe, Yolanda
The Effects of Implementing CLIL in Education. In
Content-based Language Learning in Multilingual Educational Environments [
Educational Linguistics, 23],
► pp. 51 ff.

Aguilar, Marta & Carmen Muñoz
The effect of proficiency on CLIL benefits in Engineering students in Spain.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 24:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Nikula, Tarja & Karita Mård-Miettinen
Pérez-Cañado, María Luisa
CLIL research in Europe: past, present, and future.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 15:3
► pp. 315 ff.

Dalton-Puffer, Christiane
Content-and-Language Integrated Learning: From Practice to Principles?.
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 31
► pp. 182 ff.

Dalton-Puffer, Christiane
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 10 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.