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Cited by (9)
Cited by nine other publications
Brook, Marisa
2024. Obsolescence and abortive innovations in variationist approaches to language change. Language and Linguistics Compass 18:4
Needle, Jeremy M. & Sali A. Tagliamonte
2024. Orderly Obsolescence: The Decline of /hw/ in Ontario. American Speech: A Quarterly of Linguistic Usage 99:3 ► pp. 300 ff.
Brook, Marisa & Sali A. Tagliamonte
2023. Subject relativewhoin Ontario, Canada: Change from above in a transplanted ecology. Journal of Linguistic Geography 11:1 ► pp. 25 ff.
Franco, Karlien & Sali A. Tagliamonte
2021. InterestingFellowor Tough OldBird?. American Speech 96:2 ► pp. 192 ff.
2022. The most stable it'severbeen: the preterit/present perfect alternation in spoken Ontario English. English Language and Linguistics 26:4 ► pp. 779 ff.
Tagliamonte, Sali A.
Wait, It’s a Discourse Marker. American Speech 96:4 ► pp. 424 ff.
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