This paper reports on findings from an ongoing research project exploring Chinese EFL teachers’ conceptions of assessment and their
classroom assessment practices, as well as to examine the relationship between these two. The sample for the study consisted of
107 EFL teachers from 18 secondary schools who completed a Chinese version of the Teachers’ Conceptions of Assessment inventory
(Brown, Hui, Yu, & Kennedy, 2011) and the Classroom Assessment Practices
Questionnaire modified from Assessment Practices Inventory (Zhang & Burry-Stock,
2003). This study found that Chinese EFL teachers strongly associated assessment as a means of improving students’ EFL
learning’ with assessment as a means of cultivating positive moral and personal character contributing to students’ lifelong
learning and good citizenship. Results also showed that although there existed some level of alignment of teaching and assessment
in the classroom, traditional assessment practices rather than alternative assessment such as student self-assessment were seen by
the EFL teachers as contributing to students’ learning and making individual and school accountable, which is potentially a matter
of some concern if innovative assessment reform that avoids using mandated external examinations is to be carried out in the
Chinese EFL classroom. Implications of the results for Chinese EFL teacher assessment literacy development are also discussed
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