Article published In:
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics: Online-First ArticlesEffects of task repetition with grammatizing on oral task performance and knowledge development
This study compared the effects of task repetition only (TR), task repetition with grammatizing (TR+GR), and
grammatization with no task repetition (GR) on 94 EFL learners’ oral task performances. Participants’ productions were measured
both in terms of complexity, accuracy, and fluency as well as receptive knowledge (measured by an error correction test) and
productive knowledge (measured by a sentence-level oral production test) development. Immediately after performing a narrative
task, the TR+GR and GR learners were required to restore the target structure, namely the English regular past tense, which had
been deleted in a grammatized text. Learners in the TR group received no grammatization, and only the TR+GR and TR groups repeated
the same task twice. Results revealed that although both TR conditions led to enhanced receptive knowledge, the TR+GR performed
better than the TR in fostering learners’ receptive knowledge and improving accuracy and productive knowledge at a delayed
posttest. The GR group improved their receptive knowledge in the immediate posttest, but this improvement tailed off in the
delayed posttest. Lastly, the TR+GR group could also improve the complexity and accuracy of their narrative task
performances–albeit at the expense of fluency.
Keywords: task repetition, grammatizing, receptive knowledge, productive knowledge, CAF
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Literature review
- 2.1Task repetition
- 2.2Post-task focus on form through grammatizing
- 2.3The present study
- 3.Method
- 3.1Research design
- 3.2Participants
- 3.3Target linguistic form
- 3.4Materials
- 3.4.1Tasks
- 3.4.2Grammatizing
- 3.5Instruments
- 3.5.1Error correction test (ECT)
- 3.5.2Oral production test (OPT)
- 3.6Procedure
- 3.7CAF measures
- 3.8Data analysis
- 4.Results
- 4.1Effects on receptive knowledge development
- 4.2Effects on productive knowledge development
- 4.3Effects on CAF
- 5.Discussion
- 5.1Research question 1
- 5.2Research question 2
- 5.3Research question 3
- 6.Theoretical and pedagogical implications of the study
- 7.Conclusion
Available under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license.
For any use beyond this license, please contact the publisher at [email protected].
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