An integrated approach to foreign language writing instruction
This paper puts forth the need for further integration of research on writing-as-a-process in foreign language writing and teaching practices. Several problems are identified concerning the teaching and learning of writing skills, as most teachers attend to the product – its originality, clarity and correctness, and recent popular textbooks on French language and culture still focus on the product and rarely on the process. The extensive research on writing-as-a-process in both Francophone and North American applied linguistics for L1 and L2 does not seem to have had the same repercussions on foreign language teaching or material development as it did on L2 writing skills for ESL/EFL. Here, I propose an integrative approach to writing instruction comprising different findings in process writing, self- and peer-assessment and cross-cultural awareness. The design of a six-step approach stems from a recent book on the pedagogy of writing skills (Mesana-Alais, 2001) and shows how to explore and produce genre-based texts.