All good and well
Introducing an objection in Dutch
The Dutch expression goed en wel ‘good and well’ is polysemous. In one of its uses, goed
en wel combines with a universal quantifier alles or allemaal ‘all’ and the
conjunction maar ‘but’. The resulting construction is typically used to introduce a contrary reaction to an
earlier utterance or suggestion. The combination is shown to fit into a larger class of pragmatic operators, which are argued to
be instances of lexicalized pragmatics.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.
On the history of alles/allemaal goed en wel
- 3.
On the function of alles/allemaal goed en wel
- 4.The elements of the construction
- 4.1The universal quantifier
- 4.2The synonymous adverbs
- 4.3The conjunction
- 4.4The sentence containing the contrary reaction
- 5.The broader picture
- 6.Concluding remarks
- Notes
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Hoeksema, Jack & Ton van der Wouden
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