Variation in the processing of grammatical norm violations
Between-participant and between-construction differences
So far, processing studies on grammatical norm violations (GNVs) in Dutch (i.e. als ‘as’ in
comparatives) have mainly focused on general differences between GNVs and their grammatical and ungrammatical counterparts. The
present study is the first to also systematically investigate between-participant and between-construction variation in the
processing of GNVs, using a self-paced reading task. Age and educational level were investigated as potential sources of
between-participant variation, and between-construction variation was assessed by including three GNVs that vary in the amount of
prescriptive attention they receive in society. Results indeed showed that the processing of GNVs was influenced by the age and
educational level of participants. Moreover, different results were obtained for different norm violations. Based on these
results, we conclude that it is very important to take into account differences between participants and constructions when
studying the processing of GNVs.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Methodology
- 2.1Participants
- 2.2Materials
- 2.3Procedure and design
- 2.4Data pre-processing and analysis
- 3.Results
- 3.1Analysis critical word
- 3.2Analysis spill-over word
- 4.Discussion
- 5.Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Note