Review published In:
BabelVol. 65:4 (2019) ► pp.610–614
Book review
Özlem Berk Albachten and Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar. Perspectives on Retranslation: Ideology, Paratexts,
References (5)
Bensimon, P. 1990. “Présentation”. Palimpsestes 41: ix–xiii.
Berman, A. 1990. “La retraduction comme espace de traduction”. Palimpsestes 41: 1–7. 

Deane-Cox, S. 2014. Retranslation: Translation, Literature and Reinterpretation. London: Bloomsbury.
Gürçağlar, Ş. T. 2009. “Retranslation”. In Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, ed. by Baker, M.; and Saldanha, G., 233*236. London: Routledge.
Koskinen, K.; and O. Paloposki. 2003. “Retranslations in the Age of Digital Reproduction”. Cadernos de Tradução 11: 19–38.