Joint patronage in translating Chinese literature into English
A case study on the Chinese Literature Overseas Dissemination Project
There has been a change in the form of patronage in translating Chinese culture/literature into English since the 1990s,
that is, from sole patronage to joint patronage. This article discusses joint patronage in translating Chinese literature from Chinese into
English through the case of the Chinese Literature Overseas Dissemination Project (中國文學海外傳播工程), which is under the joint patronage of Beijing Normal University, the Confucius Institute at University of
Oklahoma, and the University of Oklahoma Press. The goals of this project have been well achieved with the successful launch of the journal
Chinese Literature Today (CLT) and the publication of the CLT book series. The success of this project demonstrates that joint patronage is
an ideal form of translating Chinese literature into English, and the Chinese Literature Overseas Dissemination Project has
set a good example for the introduction of Chinese literature to the Western world.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The Chinese Literature Overseas Dissemination Project
- 3.The reasons for the success of the Chinese Literature Overseas Dissemination Project
- 4.Concluding remarks
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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