Article published In:
BabelVol. 69:2 (2023) ► pp.159–187
La traducción económico-financiera vista por los profesionales
Cartografía bibliográfica
This article presents a mapping of economic translation based on the content of book chapters and articles
published by translation professionals, excluding academic publications. Using quantitative and qualitative bibliometric
techniques, we analyze a corpus of 115 publications signed by translators, clients, and other specialists and compare their topics
with those of academics. First, there is a downward trend in the number of publications by professionals, with the 1995–2005
period being the most productive. The results also show that some of the content discussed is not described in depth or ends up
stagnating and differs from that of academics, suggesting that the interests of professionals and academics rarely converge.
Suggestions for future improvement measures related to teaching and research are provided to reduce the gap between the two groups
of authors.
Article outline
- 1.Introducción
- 2.Metodología
- 3.Aspectos formales
- 4.Contenido
- 4.1Profesión
- 4.1.1Tendencias y descripción del mercado profesional
- 4.1.2Cualidades del traductor
- 4.2Aspectos microtextuales
- 4.2.1Jerga de los negocios
- 4.2.2Anglicismos
- 4.2.3Terminología
- 4.3Documentación
- 4.4Otros temas
- 5.Discusión
- 6.Conclusión
- Agradecimientos
- Nota
Article language: Spanish
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Maldussi, Danio
La didactique de la traduction économique et financière à l’épreuve de la
sous-compétence thématique : à la recherche d’un deuxième souffle.
Meta: Journal des traducteurs 68:3
► pp. 537 ff.

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