Article published In:
Babel: Online-First ArticlesRhizomatic Chineseness and its postmodern implications for interepistemic translation studies
This paper draws on the conception of rhizome in Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus:
Capitalism and Schizophrenia ([1980] 1987), to (re)define Chineseness as a cultural phenomenon of identification in a
postmodern assemblage. The author argues that the postmodern reading of (diasporic) Chineseness is rhizomatic without an authentic
arboreal essence. The conclusions will be borne on Douglas Robinson’s theoretical explorations of interepistemic translation
between China and the West, based on the premise that transculturation and enculturation can be seen as a process of
interepistemic translation with translationality at their core.
Keywords: Chineseness, Gilles Deleuze, rhizome, interepistemic translation
Article outline
- 1.An introduction: On Chineseness
- 2.How to define Chineseness?
- 2.1Previous attempts in defining Chineseness
- 2.2The Chinese diaspora as an extreme form of Chineseness
- 2.3Deleuzian rhizomaticity: A postmodern(ist) perspective
- 3.The Rhizomaticity of interepistemic translation: Transculturation and translationality
- 4.Conclusion
- Notes
Published online: 29 November 2024
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