Article published In:
BabelVol. 62:3 (2016) ► pp.470–494
Online training in legal translation
Designing curricula for bilingual students
In 2010 the first fully online Masters Degree on Translation and Interpreting in the USA was launched, and it included Legal
Translation as a subject. The authors of this paper were in charge of designing the contents of this subject, creating the
didactic materials to be used and actually teaching the subject. In this paper the authors explain how the curriculum was
designed, the criteria developed to create the didactic materials and how it actually worked in a very specific context as is the
University of Texas at Brownsville, set next to the border between Mexico and the USA, where most of the students are bilingual
and have a background of Mexican and American cultures which create an unique environment of legal cultures mediation.
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Kodura, Małgorzata
Evaluating the effectiveness of an online course in translation technology originally developed for a classroom environment.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 16:3
► pp. 309 ff.

Gavrilenko, Nataliya
Online Model for Teaching and Learning the Specialized Translation.
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 14:6

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