Didactic subtitling in the Foreign Language (FL) classroom. Improving
language skills through task-based practice and Form-Focused Instruction
Background considerations
Didactic subtitling is a relatively new area of investigation that is undergoing
a surge in popularity. By bringing together findings from Audiovisual
Translation (AVT), Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and psycholinguistics, some
theoretical issues related to the practice of subtitle creation in Foreign
Language Learning (FLL) are appraised. The article introduces Task-Based
Learning and Teaching (TBLT) and reflects on what didactic subtitling can and
cannot offer to TBLT approaches. In a still predominantly communicative era,
language researchers are questioning the effectiveness of
entirely communicative approaches to FLL. Many support the
idea that, if successful learning is to be achieved, some Form-Focused
Instruction (FFI) is needed. This article reviews relevant FFI literature, and
explores how far active subtitling can provide an effective strategy for
focussing on form that leads to communicative language development. In doing so,
concepts such as noticing, skill development, interaction, pushed output and
consciousness-raising are addressed. It is argued that a combination of
task-based and form-focused instruction in the subtitling classroom can have
great potential and should be investigated further, both theoretically and
Article outline
- 1.Introduction: An overview of didactic subtitling in FLL
- 2.Scope, aims and structure
- 3.Defining tasks
- 4.Didactic subtitling as a task
- 5.The role of the subtitling task in the learning process:
Reappraisal of form
- 5.1Noticing, ‘form’ and FLL
- 5.2Didactic subtitling and attention to form
- 5.3Didactic subtitling and production
- 5.4Active and passive skills in didactic subtitling
- 5.5Didactic subtitling and interaction
- 5.6Didactic subtitling and multiple exposures
- 5.7TBLT and unpredictability
- 6.One step further: Focus on FormS
- 7.Conclusions
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