Chapter 3
Rules and regularities
Article outline
- 3.1What’s in this chapter
- 3.2A role for rules
- 3.3Asymmetric merge
- 3.4Combine/Concatenation and label
- 3.5Where is the labeler in a sentence and when does it do its job in the derivation?
- 3.6Which labels are processed at the FGI?
- 3.7Labels and frequency
- 3.8An example of frequency-independent labeling: Auxiliary selection in Italian
- 3.9Auxiliary selection from a regularity-driven perspective
- 3.10Regularities do not concern isolated items
- 3.11Statistical information features two kinds of regularity
- 3.12The statistical information in
absentia concerns patterns-of-usage
- 3.13Statistical information is supported by procedural memory
- 3.14Linear statistical information: Chunks and chunking
- 3.15Vertical statistical information: Skewed associations and asymmetric chunks
- 3.16Asymmetric chunks and contingency learning
- 3.17Related and unrelated contingency
- 3.18To sum up