The present study examines the role of transfer in the processing of double object constructions (DOC) in English as a third language (L3). A group of Basque/Spanish bilinguals and a group of Spanish speakers divided into three proficiency levels completed a self-paced reading task. Findings did not fully confirm the predictions of the L3 transfer models. Evidence from accuracy and reaction time data indicated a non-facilitative role of transfer since participants did not reach native-like accuracy rates across proficiency levels. Moreover, transfer does not seem to occur solely from Spanish, as predicted by the Typological Primacy Model. Proficiency level seems to be relevant when determining transfer in dative alternation.
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2023. Uncovering transfer effects of dominance and proficiency in L3 English acquisition using the visual moving window paradigm and grammaticality judgments. Applied Linguistics Review 14:1 ► pp. 115 ff.
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2023. Cross-linguistic influences, language proficiency and metalinguistic knowledge in L3 Italian subject placement. International Journal of Multilingualism 20:2 ► pp. 308 ff.
Hermas, Abdelkader
2020. Constraints on the argument structure of dative verbs in advanced L3 English. Australian Journal of Linguistics 40:1 ► pp. 106 ff.
Puig-Mayenco, Eloi, Jorge González Alonso & Jason Rothman
2020. A systematic review of transfer studies in third language acquisition. Second Language Research 36:1 ► pp. 31 ff.
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