Chapter 1.3
Biblical myths
Article outline
- 1.The myth of Babel
- 2.The myth of the Pentecost
- 3.The reception of the myth of Babel in translation
- 4.Evolutions of the myth of Babel in a globalized world
Further reading
References (21)
The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments
(King James Bible 1611). 1995. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Benjamin, Walter. 1923.
The Task of the Translator (Die
Aufgabe des Übersetzers). Trans. by Harry Zohn, in Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings,
Volume 1: 1913–1926, ed. by Marcus Bullock and Michael W. Jennings, 2004. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Dante, Alighieri. 1303. De vulgari eloquentia. Ed. and trans. by Steven Botterill. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Derrida, Jacques. 1985. “Des tours de Babel.” Trans. by J. F. Graham, in Difference and Translation
, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Eco Umberto. 1997. The Search for the Perfect Language (The Making of
Europe). Trans. by James Fentrell. Oxford: Blackwell.
Goldschmidt, Georges-Arthur. 2009. A l’insu de Babel. Paris: CNRS éditions.
Iñárritu, Alejandro González. 2006. Babel. 143 mn.
Jakobson, Roman. 1959. On Linguistic Aspects of Translation.
Lang, Fritz. 1927. Metropolis. 145 mn. Universum Film AG.
Launay, Marc B. de. 1992. “Babel.” In
Naissance de la méthode critique. Colloque du
centenaire de l’École biblique et archéologique
française de Jérusalem
, 67–278. Paris: les Éditions du Cerf.
Luther, Martin. 1999. “
Commentary on Genesis
.” In Luther’s Works, vol. 8, ed. by J. Jan Pelikan, H. C. Oswald, and H. T. Lehmann. Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House.
Meschonnic, Henri. 1999. “L’Atelier de Babel.” In Poétique du traduire, 445–458. Lagrasse: Verdier.
Neher, André. 1970. L’Exil de la parole. Paris: Le Seuil.
Parizet, Sylvie. 2010. Babel: ordre ou chaos? Nouveaux enjeux du mythe dans les
œuvres de la Modernité littéraire. Grenoble: Ellug.
Steiner, George. 1975. After Babel. London: Oxford University Press.
Steiner, George. 2005. “Translation a conditio humana.” In Übersetzung, Translation, traduction, 1–10. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.
Vecchio, Silvana. 2008. “‘Dispertitae linguae’, le récit de la Pentecôte
entre exégèse et predication.” In Zwischen Babel und Pfingsten. Sprachdifferenzen und
Gesprächsverständingung in der Vormoderne, ed. by P. von Moos. Vienna: Lit.
Further reading
Cassin, Barbara (ed.). 2016. Après Babel, traduire. Arles: Actes Sud, Marseille, Mucem.
Heller-Roazen, Daniel. 2005. Echolalias: On the Forgetting of Language. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Renken, Arno. 2012. Babel Heureuse. Pour lire la traduction. Paris: Van Dieren Éditeur.
Zumthor, Paul. 1997. Babel ou l’inachèvement. Paris: Seuil.
Cited by (1)
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Perspectives 28:2
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