Chapter 12
Translation traditions in Angola
Little has been published about translation activity in Angola that addresses such questions as translation by whom, for whom, how and for what purpose. This report offers a brief overview of translation traditions in Angola and current challenges in Angolan translation activities. Any discussion of translation in Angola cannot be separated from issues of language policies. For centuries, the interaction among the languages spoken in Angola, including Umbundu, Kimbundu, Kikongo and Portuguese, just to name a few, has reflected the social and political imbalance between the speakers of the different languages. For example, translation has been used both to control and to enhance the use of local languages.
Whereas most of the translation activity in Angola has been oral, there is an increasing need and interest for written translations. Translation activity is also expanding beyond its primary venue in the church and commerce to include government, education and arts.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Oral translation traditions
- 3.Churches as pioneering translation agencies
- 4.Translation in media, non-religious literature and school
- 5.Current trends in translation