Knowledge and Skills in Translator Behavior
This book represents an approach which is intended to give readers a general insight into what translators really do and to explain the concepts and tools of the trade, bearing in mind that translation cannot be reduced to simple principles that can easily be separated from each other and thus be handled in isolation. On the whole, the book is more process- than product-centred. Translation is seen as an activity with an intentional and a social dimension establishing links between a source-language community and a target-language community and therefore requiring a specific kind of communicative behavior based on the question “Who translates what, for whom and why?” To the extent that the underlying principles, assumptions, and conclusions are convincing to the reader, the practical implications of the book, last but not least in translation teaching, are obvious.
[Benjamins Translation Library, 15] 1996. xiii, 259 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 5 July 2011
Published online on 5 July 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface and acknowledgments | p. ix
Chapter I: Translations studies — Scope and challenges | p. 1
Chapter II: theoretical and empirical aspects of translation studies | p. 30
Chapter III: Translation as knowledge:based activity | p. 57
Chapter IV: Context, culture, compensation. Three basic orientations in translation | p. 78
Chapter V: Translation as meaning:based information processing | p. 104
Chapter VI: The translation process and translation procedures | p. 122
Chapter VII: The role of the translator in the translation process | p. 139
Chapter VIII: Discourse linguistics and translation | p. 158
Chapter XI: Translation as decision:making and choice | p. 174
Chapter X: Translation teaching. A practice:oriented approach | p. 192
Chapter XI: Human translation and machine translation. A comparison | p. 212
Author index | p. 250
Subject index | p. 254
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Translation & Interpreting Studies
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CFP: Translation & interpretation
Main BISAC Subject
LAN023000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Translating & Interpreting