Chapter 2
Translation, monolingualism and multilingualism as symptoms of literary internationalisation after the First World
A case study of Belgian periodicals in the immediate after war period
In what way can a specific medium – a literary magazine – represent, weaken or strengthen a
specific practice such as translation? I will answer this question by discussing a number of Belgian avant-garde
periodicals: L’Art libre (1919–1922), Lumière (1919–1923), Ça Ira!
(1920–1923), Ruimte (1920–1921) and Het Overzicht (1921–1925). Based on this
research corpus, I will defend the hypothesis that the significant presence of translations can be explained by the
combination of (a) the specific format in which they were published, namely, the periodical and (b) the ubiquity of
the notion of internationalism immediately after the war, which was represented as an ideal and whose multiple
definitions – including monolingualism, multilingualism, and translation – determined the ways in which foreign
languages were integrated in periodicals.
Article outline
- Internationalisation and literary magazines: Old and new research questions and objects of research
- Poetic and genre characteristics as triggers for translation
- 1.The format of the periodical
- 2.The post-war notion of internationalism
- Monolingualism, multilingualism and translation
- 1.Both sides speak their own language
- 2.Both sides adopt a lingua franca
- 3.Translation
- 4.The contact situation adopts and develops a pidgin – creole …
- Conclusion
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