Chapter 5
Shaping translation in two Mexican cultural magazines
A case study in the use of quantitative methods for the analysis of translation in periodical
This article examines various kinds of metadata that allow us to explore the ways in which
translation was showcased in two turn-of-the-century Mexican literary periodicals: the
Revista Azul (1894–1896) and the Revista Moderna (1898–1903). It describes the methodological challenges that arise when approaching such
uncharted territory, especially those related to the creation of datasets of translated texts, and argues in favour of
the integration of qualitative and quantitative analysis in their treatment. More precisely, it demonstrates the
importance of implementing descriptive statistics in order to establish distinctions in the uses of translation that
would not be evident at first sight due to the size of the corpora. Combined with content analysis, these inform us
about the contribution of each magazine to the institutionalisation of literary activity and to cultural renovation.
Ultimately, this also reaffirms the importance of data visualisation in this process.
Article outline
- The Revista Azul, Revista Moderna and the emergence of the modern Mexican literary field
- The challenges of creating the datasets
- Showcasing translation: The increasing visibility of translated texts in the Revista Azul
- Average length of the translated texts: A variable to be used warily
- A more straightforward complement: The position of translated texts
- A comprehensive visual outline of the situation: The bubble chart
- Categorical variables: The importance of the signature type
- Same variables, different results: Translation in the Revista Moderna
- Conclusions
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