Al Thowaini, Buthainah M. & Mutahar Qassem
The impact of an industry-driven translation training program on the performance of trainee translators.
Cogent Arts & Humanities 11:1
Alzamil, Aeshah Mohammed
Translation competence between industry and academia in Saudi Arabia: job descriptions vs students’ perceptions.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 18:3
► pp. 442 ff.
Bolaños García-Escribano, Alejandro
Calvo-Ferrer, José Ramón & Antonio Jesús Muñoz-Villena
Evaluación de materiales didácticos y competencia traductora: desarrollo y validación del cuestionario EMaCT para la profesionalización docente y discente en traducción e interpretación.
Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción 17:1
Chen, Xia & Jackie Xiu Yan
Examining student translators’ writing and translation products: quality, errors and self-perceived mental workload.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 18:3
► pp. 465 ff.
Dagnev, Ivaylo & Zlatka Chervenkova
Analysis of the interface between language competence and conceptual metaphor in translation studies.
Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT 12:1
► pp. 105 ff.
Hansen-Schirra, Silvia, Jean Nitzke, Carmen Canfora & Dimitrios Kapnas
Eine Interviewstudie zu Postediting-Prozessen und ihre Implikationen für die Zukunft einer Branche. In
Übersetzen im Wandel,
► pp. 97 ff.
Adrienn Károly, Lotta Kokkonen, Maija Gerlander & Peppi Taalas
Driving and Embracing Change: Learning and Teaching Languages and Communication in Higher Education.
JYU Studies ► pp. 1 ff.
Lesznyák, Márta, Mária Bakti & Eszter Sermann
Reading takes it all? – the role of language competence and subject knowledge in legal translation.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 18:2
► pp. 192 ff.
Li, Fangyuan & Lu Tian
Translation Practice and Competence Enhancement in the Age of AI: Applying ChatGPT to Translation Education. In
Emerging Technologies for Education [
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14606],
► pp. 219 ff.
Mankauskienė, Dalia
Mastering translation project management: what, when, and where.
Perspectives ► pp. 1 ff.
Marczak, Mariusz
Internship insight out: exploring translation students’ perspectives on experience and learning gains.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer ► pp. 1 ff.
Prieto Ramos, Fernando
Revisiting translator competence in the age of artificial intelligence: the case of legal and institutional translation.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 18:2
► pp. 148 ff.
Robert, Isabelle S., Iris Schrijver & Jim J. Ureel
Measuring translation revision competence and post-editing competence in translation trainees: methodological issues.
Perspectives 32:2
► pp. 177 ff.
Tonková, Lucia
Technická kompetencia vo výučbe prekladateľov: východiská, súčasný stav a možnosti vývoja.
► pp. 52 ff.
Van Egdom, Gys-Walt, Iris Schrijver, Heidi Verplaetse & Winibert Segers
The impact of collaborative processes on target text quality in translator training.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 18:3
► pp. 486 ff.
Yang, Zhiqiang & Chengyuan Yu
Is the use of multiple-choice items and a holistically-scored paragraph translation task fair? Examining a large-scale translation subtest.
Asia Pacific Education Review
Zheng, Yaya
Research on translation quality self-evaluation by expert translators: an empirical study.
Language Resources and Evaluation
Aguayo-Arrabal, Natividad
Burdeus-Domingo, Noelia
Cultural Competence Development in Healthcare Interpreting Training: A Didactic Proposal. In
New Trends in Healthcare Interpreting Studies [
New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],
► pp. 61 ff.
Conde Ruano, José Tomás
La investigación en tecnologías de la traducción.
TRANS: Revista de Traductología :27
► pp. 268 ff.
Fernández-Gil, María Jesús & Montserrat Bascoy Lamelas
La memoria del Holocausto en el aula de traducción: dos propuestas didácticas y de integración investigación-docencia para el ámbito universitario.
Pulso. Revista de educación ► pp. 147 ff.
González Cruz, Sonia
La subtitulación en asignaturas de traducción no audiovisuales. Un estudio cualitativo basado en entrevistas.
Entreculturas. Revista de Traducción y Comunicación Intercultural :13
► pp. 75 ff.
Huang, Jian
Exploring Students’ Perception of Subject and Translation Integrated Learning (STIL) as an Innovative Approach to Translation Instruction: A Case Study.
SAGE Open 13:4
Juan, Sun
On Developing the English Translation Competence of Non-English Majors Based on PACTE Translation Competence Model in the E-learning Era. In
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KAŞ, Buğra
A curriculum analysis of applied English translation program in the scope of translator competence: The case of Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University.
RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :35
► pp. 1456 ff.
Kaş, Buğra
21. Yüzyıl Becerileri ve Çevirmen Edinci Bileşenlerinin Kesişimi.
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Uluslararası Filoloji ve Çeviribilim Dergisi 6:1
► pp. 68 ff.
The Importance of English Literature Courses in Translation Education and Its Place in Associate Degree Translation Programs in Turkey.
Söylem Filoloji Dergisi :Çeviribilim Özel Sayısı
► pp. 243 ff.
Li, Lan, Qinran Dang & Ke Zhao
Embracing transdisciplinarity to prepare for the future: revisiting the gap between the labour market and translator education.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 17:3
► pp. 454 ff.
Liu, Kanglong, Yanfang Su & Dechao Li
How Do Students Perform and Perceive Parallel Corpus Use in Translation Tasks? Evidence from an Experimental Study. In
Corpora and Translation Education [
New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],
► pp. 135 ff.
Michael, Carl
Embodiment in Cognitive Translation Studies
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Human Translation and Natural Language Processing
Towards a New Consensus?
Mureșan, Valentina & Andreea Șerban
Building Translation Competence Through Diary Studies: at the Crossroads of Students' Reflection and Imagination.
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia 68:1
► pp. 233 ff.
Méndez González, Ramón
Localización de videojuegos: herramientas formativas para nuevas prácticas traductivas y paratraductivas.
Meta 67:3
► pp. 558 ff.
Pan, Jun, Billy Tak Ming Wong & Honghua Wang
Investigating the Chinese and English Language Proficiency of Tertiary Students in Hong Kong: Insights from a Student Translation Corpus. In
Corpora and Translation Education [
New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],
► pp. 171 ff.
Peng, Wenqing, Mu Hu & Peng Bi
Investigating Blended Learning Mode in Translation Competence Development.
SAGE Open 13:4
Piecychna, Beata
Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophy of understanding and its implications for a model of hermeneutical translation competence.
Perspectives 31:1
► pp. 74 ff.
Qassem, Mutahar, Buthainah M. Al Thowaini & Anastassia Zabrodskaja
Bi-directionality in translating culture: Understanding translator trainees’ actual and perceived behaviors.
PLOS ONE 18:11
► pp. e0293541 ff.
Qiao, Chengche & Xiaodong Huang
Enhancing Translation Competence via Flipping the EFL Translation Classroom in China.
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing
Ren, Wen & Juanjuan Li
Defining national translation capacity: a comprehensive framework for analyzing translation at country level.
Perspectives 31:6
► pp. 1092 ff.
Rink, Isabel
Competences for Easy Language translation. In
Emerging Fields in Easy Language and Accessible Communication Research [
Easy – Plain – Accessible, 14],
► pp. 231 ff.
Robert, Isabelle S., Iris Schrijver & Jim J. J. Ureel
Simonnæs, Ingrid
Domänenspezifische Fachkommunikationsforschung in Norwegen Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts aus der Perspektive der Rechtskommunikation. In
Zukunftsformate der Fachkommunikationsforschung [
Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung, 164],
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Singer, Néstor, Carlos Velozo & José Luis Poblete
Sánchez-Castany, Roser
Integrating technologies in translation teaching: a study on trainers’ perceptions.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 17:3
► pp. 479 ff.
Torresin, Linda
Un nuovo modello per l’insegnamento della traduzione russo-italiano nei corsi universitari magistrali attraverso Moodle
EL.LE :1
Tran, Thi Mai
Integrating 21st Century Skills into Translation Classroom from Students' Perspective.
International Journal of TESOL & Education 3:1
► pp. 64 ff.
Valdenebro Sánchez, Jorge
El Faro clase: cómo hacer uso del b-learning en la asignatura de lengua y cultura francesas aplicadas a la traducción e interpretación.
redit - Revista Electrónica de Didáctica de la Traducción y la Interpretación :17
► pp. 69 ff.
Xueni, Zhang & Zheng Binghan
Сюй Хун & Чжэн Цзяи
Bulletin of the South Ural State University series "Education. Educational Sciences" 15:2
► pp. 104 ff.
Botella Tejera, Carla
En busca de la motivación perdida. Una propuesta didáctica para motivar al alumnado de traducción literaria.
Estudios de Traducción 12
► pp. 231 ff.
Darias Marrero, Agustín
La traducción de cartas de restaurante en un destino turístico: un estudio de caso.
Estudios de Traducción 12
► pp. 25 ff.
Dyńska, Monika
Polish-English Terminology of Tariff Law as a Challenge for an ESP Translator.
Language Culture Politics International Journal 1
► pp. 37 ff.
Ferdowsi, Sima & Mohammad Hasan Razmi
Examining Associations Among Emotional Intelligence, Creativity, Self-efficacy, and Simultaneous Interpreting Practice Through the Mediating Effect of Field Dependence/Independence: A Path Analysis Approach.
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 51:2
► pp. 255 ff.
Kodura, Małgorzata
Evaluating the effectiveness of an online course in translation technology originally developed for a classroom environment.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 16:3
► pp. 309 ff.
Li, Xiangdong
Identifying in-demand qualifications and competences for translation curriculum renewal: a content analysis of translation job ads.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 16:2
► pp. 177 ff.
Mei, Huan & Huilin Chen
Assessing Students’ Translation Competence: Integrating China’s Standards of English With Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment Approaches.
Frontiers in Psychology 13
Neves, Josélia
Project-based learning for the development of social transformative competence in socially engaged translators.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 16:4
► pp. 465 ff.
Salamah, Dania
Translation competence and the translation job market in Saudi Arabia: investigating recruitment practices and job-market readiness.
Saudi Journal of Language Studies 2:4
► pp. 236 ff.
Tian, Lu & Hui Wang
Towards a Text-World Approach to Translation and Its Pedagogical Implications.
International Journal of Translation, Interpretation, and Applied Linguistics 1:2
► pp. 1 ff.
Tortadès Guirao, Àngel
Conectividad y cognición situada: análisis de verbalizaciones sobre el proceso traductor mediante elementos de la teoría fundamentada.
TRANS: Revista de Traductología 26:1
► pp. 87 ff.
Ureel, Jim J. J., Ella Diels, Isabelle S. Robert & Iris Schrijver
The development of L2 sociolinguistic competence in translation trainees: an accommodation-based longitudinal study into the acquisition of sensitivity to grammatical (in)formality in English.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 16:1
► pp. 78 ff.
Vargas, Sonia Gabriela Vásquez & Moritz J. Schaeffer
Learning by viewing. In
Re-Thinking Translator Education [
Sprachen lehren – Sprachen lernen, ],
► pp. 135 ff.
ÜNAL, Fatma & Fadime ÇOBAN
Developing a Translation Competence Scale (TCS) and Evaluating the Opinions of Prospective Translators and Professional Translators in Turkey regarding Translation Competence.
Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi 2022:32
► pp. 55 ff.
Емельянова, Яна Борисовна
Pedagogical Review :2(42)
► pp. 92 ff.
Alves, Fabio & Igor A. Lourenço da Silva
Bridging Paradigms to Approach Expertise in Cognitive Translation Studies. In
Advances in Cognitive Translation Studies [
New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],
► pp. 89 ff.
Alves, Fabio, Amparo Hurtado Albir & Isabel Lacruz
Asquerino Egoscozábal, Laura & Amparo Hurtado Albir
Estudio experimental sobre la adquisición de la competencia traductora japonés-español. Diseño y resultados del estudio piloto*.
Meta 65:2
► pp. 394 ff.
Briva-Iglesias, Vicent
Traducción humana vs. traducción automática: análisis contrastivo e implicaciones para la aplicación de la traducción automática en traducción jurídica.
Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción 14:2
► pp. 571 ff.
Chernovaty, Leonid, T. Andrienko, S. Potapenko & L. Slavova
Rendering English pharmacological terms into Ukrainian: Translation and didactic dimensions.
SHS Web of Conferences 105
► pp. 03001 ff.
Chodkiewicz, Marta
Changes in undergraduate students’ conceptual knowledge of translation during the first years of translation/interpreting- and foreign language-related education.
Perspectives 29:3
► pp. 371 ff.
Cornea, Ioana
ENALLTerm: hacia una base de datos al servicio de la traducción especializada .
Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción 14:2
► pp. 469 ff.
González Fernández, Laura
Translator Competence in Second Foreign Language Teaching: Acquisition of Intercultural Competence. In
Mediating Specialized Knowledge and L2 Abilities,
► pp. 35 ff.
Korpal, Paweł
Stress experienced by Polish sworn translators and interpreters.
Perspectives 29:4
► pp. 554 ff.
Latorraca, Rossella & Jacqueline Aiello
Montalbán Martínez, Nicolás & Salvador Montaner Villalba
Unidades fraseológicas en traducción de textos de inglés para fines específicos mediante el blogging en un entorno de aula invertida.
Estudios de Traducción 11
► pp. 157 ff.
Sakamoto, Akiko
The Value of Translation in the Era of Automation: An Examination of Threats. In
When Translation Goes Digital,
► pp. 231 ff.
Tan, Shuxin & Young Woo Cho
Vergara Toro, Javiera & Sabela Fernández-Silva
La competencia terminológica en la traducción especializada: definición y propuesta de medición en estudiantes de traducción.
Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción 14:2
► pp. 427 ff.
Vottonen, Erja & Minna Kujamäki
On what grounds? Justifications of student translators for their translation solutions.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 15:3
► pp. 306 ff.
Wu 吴赟, Yun & Zhiwei Jiang 姜智威
Educating a Multilingual Workforce in Chinese universities: Employability of Master of Translation and Interpreting Graduates.
Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 86
► pp. 1 ff.
Xiao, Kairong & Sandra L. Halverson
Yang, Zhihong & Defeng Li
Translation Competence Revisited: Toward a Pedagogical Model of Translation Competence. In
Advances in Cognitive Translation Studies [
New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],
► pp. 109 ff.
Zhou, Dan
2021 4th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Aided Education,
► pp. 1720 ff.
Sustainability of translation as a profession: Changing roles of translators in light of the developments in machine translation systems.
RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :Ö9
► pp. 575 ff.
Albir, PACTE Group. Amparo Hurtado, Anabel Galán-Mañas, Anna Kuznik, Christian Olalla-Soler, Patricia Rodríguez-Inés & Lupe Romero
Translation competence acquisition. Design and results of the PACTE group’s experimental research.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 14:2
► pp. 95 ff.
Bayraktar-Özer, Özge & Gökçen Hastürkoğlu
Designing Collaborative Learning Environment in Translator Training: An Empirical Research.
Research in Language 18:2
► pp. 137 ff.
Horcas-Rufián, Sara & Dorothy Kelly
Inverse (A-B/C) translation education in Spain under the EHEA.
Perspectives 28:2
► pp. 300 ff.
Eva Maria Hrdinová, David Mraček, Eva Maria Hrdinová, Vít Kolek, Hana Sodeyfi, Jan Kubica, Ulrike Stamm, Sibylle Benninghoff-Lühl, Jiří Flajšar, Petra Mračková Vavroušová, Ivona Dömischová, Jana Kořínková, Barbora Sittová, Kristy Anderson, Linda Valešová, Ondřej Duda, Jan Gregar & Michaela Bartošová
Kdopak by se překladu bál?,
A study on general notions about translation among students enrolled in the department of Translation and Interpreting.
RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :19
► pp. 833 ff.
Liu, Kanglong
Corpus-Assisted Translation Teaching: An Overview. In
Corpus-Assisted Translation Teaching [
Corpora and Intercultural Studies, 7],
► pp. 9 ff.
Liu, Kanglong
Conclusions and Implications. In
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Corpora and Intercultural Studies, 7],
► pp. 139 ff.
Liu, Kanglong
Background Survey and Translation Experiments. In
Corpus-Assisted Translation Teaching [
Corpora and Intercultural Studies, 7],
► pp. 69 ff.
Liu, Kanglong
Web-Based Parallel Corpora: Technical Issues. In
Corpus-Assisted Translation Teaching [
Corpora and Intercultural Studies, 7],
► pp. 37 ff.
Pergola, Ruggiero
The Development of Translation Skills and the Use of Translation in FL Teaching
EL.LE :1
Szafraniec, Kamil
Kształcenie kompetencji translatorycznej rozważania teoretyczne i metodologiczne .
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców 27
► pp. 407 ff.
Taebi, Ehsan & Mir Saeed Mousavi Razavi
Towards a CPD Framework of Reference for the Translation Profession.
Lebende Sprachen 65:2
► pp. 303 ff.
Tian, Lu
Revisiting Textual Competence in Translation from a Text-World Perspective. In
Translation Education [
New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],
► pp. 121 ff.
Trovato, Giuseppe
El tratamiento de la expresión convencional y ritualizada en el proceso de mediación lingüística Español-Italiano: una experimentación en el contexto universitario italiano.
Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 15:1
► pp. 99 ff.
YILDIZ, Mehmet
A case of situated learning and its implications for the development of translator competence.
RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :Ö8
► pp. 1000 ff.
Carrasco Flores, José Andrés
Teaching English for Translation and Interpreting: A framework of reference for developing the translator’s bilingual sub-competence.
Complutense Journal of English Studies 27
► pp. 121 ff.
Carrasco Flores, José Andrés
AnalysingEnglish for Translation and Interpretingmaterials: skills, sub-competences and types of knowledge.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 15:3
► pp. 326 ff.
Cozma, Mihaela
Translation Errors Across Genres: A Research Perspective.
Romanian Journal of English Studies 16:1
► pp. 84 ff.
Dong, Mei & Ying Xue
The Quantitative Evaluation of a Translator’s Translation Literacy. In
Advances in Computational Science and Computing [
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 877],
► pp. 514 ff.
En, Michael & Boka En
“Coming out” … as a translator? Expertise, identities and knowledge practices in an LGBTIQ* migrant community translation project.
Translation Studies 12:2
► pp. 213 ff.
Esfandiari, Mohammad Reza, Nasrin Shokrpour, Forough Rahimi & Krisda Chaemsaithong
An evaluation of the EMT: Compatibility with the professional translator’s needs.
Cogent Arts & Humanities 6:1
► pp. 1601055 ff.
Gough, Joanna
Developing translation-oriented research competence: what can we learn from professional translators?.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 13:3
► pp. 342 ff.
Halimi, Sonia Asmahène
Rethinking the English–Arabic Legal Translation Course: Restructuring for Specific Competence Acquisition.
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique 32:1
► pp. 117 ff.
Kujamäki, Minna
Source text influence in student translation: results of a longitudinal study.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 13:4
► pp. 390 ff.
Kujamäki, Minna
Translation as a professional service: an overview of a fragmented field of practice.
Perspectives 31:2
► pp. 331 ff.
López-Garcia, Verònica & Patricia Rodríguez-Inés
Learning corpus linguistics tools and techniques to cope with the current challenges of audiovisual translation.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 13:3
► pp. 307 ff.
Nitzke, Jean, Anke Tardel & Silvia Hansen-Schirra
Training the modern translator – the acquisition of digital competencies through blended learning.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 13:3
► pp. 292 ff.
Pietrzak, Paulina
Self-study Strategies in Project-based Specialised Translator Training.
Across Languages and Cultures 20:1
► pp. 97 ff.
Pietrzak, Paulina
Inside and Outside the Translation Classroom.
Research in Language 18:2
► pp. 109 ff.
Pietrzak, Paulina
Setting the Scene. In
Metacognitive Translator Training,
► pp. 7 ff.
Pietrzak, Paulina
Activation of Personal Resources. In
Metacognitive Translator Training,
► pp. 83 ff.
Pérez Fernández, Lucila María & María Araceli Alonso-Campo
Un viaje al país del rey Morvan: cómo adquirir la competencia cultural.
Universitas :30
► pp. 129 ff.
Schaeffer, Moritz, Jean Nitzke, Anke Tardel, Katharina Oster, Silke Gutermuth & Silvia Hansen-Schirra
Eye-tracking revision processes of translation students and professional translators.
Perspectives 27:4
► pp. 589 ff.
Wu, Di, Lawrence Jun Zhang & Lan Wei
Developing translator competence: understanding trainers’ beliefs and training practices.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 13:3
► pp. 233 ff.
Xiao, Weiqing & Xinru Ding
Liberal Education for Undergraduate Translation and Interpreting Programmes: From Ideas to Practice. In
Restructuring Translation Education,
► pp. 91 ff.
de la Vega, Lía Rodriguez
Considerations About Translation: Strategies About Frontiers. In
Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences,
► pp. 1 ff.
de la Vega, Lía Rodriguez
Considerations About Translation: Strategies About Frontiers. In
Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences,
► pp. 1617 ff.
Eraković, Borislava & Jagoda Topalov
Contribution of schema theory and social-constructivist approach to teaching: The acquisition functionalism among students in translation courses.
Зборник радова Филозофског факултета у Приштини 48:2
► pp. 267 ff.
Feng, Haoda
Translation-driven corpora: corpus resources for descriptive and applied translation studies, by Federico Zanettin, London, Routledge, 2012, xiii + 244 pp., £32.99 (paperback), ISBN 9781905763290.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 12:3
► pp. 346 ff.
Feng, Haoda
Translation-driven corpora: corpus resources for descriptive and applied translation studies, by Federico Zanettin, London, Routledge, 2012, xiii + 244 pp., £32.99 (paperback), ISBN 9781905763290.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 12:3
► pp. 346 ff.
Group, PACTE, Amparo Hurtado Albir, Anabel Galán-Mañas, Anna Kuznik, Christian Olalla-Soler, Patricia Rodríguez-Inés & Lupe Romero
Competence levels in translation: working towards a European framework.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 12:2
► pp. 111 ff.
Hu, Wan
Teaching Translation in the UK and China. In
Education, Translation and Global Market Pressures,
► pp. 41 ff.
Huertas Barros, Elsa & Juliet Vine
Current trends on MA translation courses in the UK: changing assessment practices on core translation modules.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 12:1
► pp. 5 ff.
Kavytska, Tamara & Olga Kvasova
Assessing Textual Competence in Translation into a Second Language. In
Revisiting the Assessment of Second Language Abilities: From Theory to Practice [
Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],
► pp. 197 ff.
Malenova, Evgeniya
Academic teaching in Translation and Interpreting in Russia: Student expectations and market reality.
English Studies at NBU 4:2
► pp. 101 ff.
Muñoz-Miquel, Ana
Assessing how closely postgraduate translation programmes fit the reality of professional practice: a case study of the Spanish context.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 12:1
► pp. 89 ff.
Oțăt, Diana
Working with Bilingual Corpora to Enhance Legal Translation Competence.
Romanian Journal of English Studies 15:1
► pp. 134 ff.
Robert, Isabelle S., Jim J. J. Ureel, Aline Remael & Ayla Rigouts Terryn
Conceptualizing translation revision competence: a pilot study on the ‘fairness and tolerance’ attitudinal component.
Perspectives 26:1
► pp. 2 ff.
Rodríguez-Castro, Mónica
An integrated curricular design for computer-assisted translation tools: developing technical expertise.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 12:4
► pp. 355 ff.
Akbari, Alireza & Winibert Segers
Translation Difficulty: How to Measure and What to Measure .
Lebende Sprachen 62:1
► pp. 3 ff.
Alves, Fabio & Amparo Hurtado Albir
Evolution, Challenges, and Perspectives for Research on Cognitive Aspects of Translation. In
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition,
► pp. 535 ff.
Astley, Helen & Olga Torres Hostench
The European Graduate Placement Scheme: an integrated approach to preparing Master’s in Translation graduates for employment.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 11:2-3
► pp. 204 ff.
Biel, Łucja
Enhancing the communicative dimension of legal translation: comparable corpora in the research-informed classroom.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 11:4
► pp. 316 ff.
Carl, Michael & Moritz J. Schaeffer
Models of the Translation Process. In
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition,
► pp. 50 ff.
Daems, Joke, Sonia Vandepitte, Robert J. Hartsuiker & Lieve Macken
Translation Methods and Experience: A Comparative Analysis of Human Translation and Post-editing with Students and Professional Translators.
Meta 62:2
► pp. 245 ff.
Dybiec-Gajer, Joanna
Paradoksy profesjonalizacji. Normy tłumaczeniowe – PN-EN 15038 i PN-EN ISO 17100 – z perspektywy dydaktyki przekładu.
Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 23:4 (38)
► pp. 35 ff.
Ehrensberger‐Dow, Maureen
An Ergonomic Perspective of Translation. In
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition,
► pp. 332 ff.
Ferreira, Aline & John W. Schwieter
Translation and Cognition. In
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition,
► pp. 1 ff.
Huertas Barros, Elsa & Míriam Buendía Castro
Optimising resourcing skills to develop phraseological competence in legal translation: tasks and approaches
International Journal of Legal Discourse 2:2
► pp. 265 ff.
Jakobsen, Arnt Lykke
Translation Process Research. In
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition,
► pp. 19 ff.
Kavytska, Tamara
► pp. 36 ff.
Massey, Gary
Translation Competence Development and Process‐Oriented Pedagogy. In
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition,
► pp. 496 ff.
Nisbeth Brøgger, Matilde
When Translation Competence Is Not Enough: A Focus Group Study of Medical Translators.
Meta 62:2
► pp. 396 ff.
Olalla-Soler, Christian
Un estudio experimental sobre la adquisición de la competencia cultural en la formación de traductores. Resultados de un estudio piloto.
Meta 62:2
► pp. 435 ff.
Olalla-Soler, Christian
Using electronic information resources to solve cultural translation problems.
Journal of Documentation 74:6
► pp. 1293 ff.
Olalla-Soler, Christian
Using translation strategies to solve cultural translation problems. Differences between students and professional translators.
Perspectives 27:3
► pp. 367 ff.
Olalla-Soler, Christian
Measuring Trainee Translators’ Knowledge of German Culture. Design and Validation of a Cultural Declarative Knowledge Questionnaire.
Meta 64:2
► pp. 514 ff.
Percec, Dana
Developing Literary Translators’ Competence. A Multi-Leveled Approach.
Romanian Journal of English Studies 14:1
► pp. 122 ff.
Robert, Isabelle S., Aline Remael & Jim J.J. Ureel
Towards a model of translation revision competence.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 11:1
► pp. 1 ff.
Tiselius, Elisabet & Adelina Hild
Expertise and Competence in Translation and Interpreting. In
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition,
► pp. 423 ff.
Whyatt, Boguslawa
Intralingual Translation. In
The Handbook of Translation and Cognition,
► pp. 176 ff.
Albir, Amparo Hurtado & Christian Olalla-Soler
Procedures for assessing the acquisition of cultural competence in translator training.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 10:3
► pp. 318 ff.
Angelone, Erik
A process-oriented approach for documenting and gauging intercultural competence in translation.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 10:3
► pp. 304 ff.
Castagnoli, Sara
Investigating trainee translators’ contrastive pragmalinguistic competence: a corpus-based analysis of interclausal linkage in learner translations.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 10:3
► pp. 343 ff.
Collombat, Isabelle
Doute et négociation : la perception des traducteurs professionnels.
Meta 61:1
► pp. 145 ff.
Di Giovanni, Elena & Lincoln Geraghty
The layers of subtitling.
Cogent Arts & Humanities 3:1
► pp. 1151193 ff.
Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen & Andrea Hunziker Heeb
Feng, Haoda & Feng Shi
Introduction to healthcare for interpreters and translators.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 10:3
► pp. 367 ff.
Hvelplund, Kristian Tangsgaard
Prieto-Velasco, Juan Antonio & Adrián Fuentes-Luque
A collaborative multimodal working environment for the development of instrumental and professional competences of student translators: an innovative teaching experience.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 10:1
► pp. 76 ff.
Robert, Isabelle S. & Louise Brunette
Should Revision Trainees Think Aloud while Revising Somebody Else’s Translation? Insights from an Empirical Study with Professionals.
Meta 61:2
► pp. 320 ff.
Tomozeiu, Daniel & Minna Kumpulainen
Operationalising intercultural competence for translation pedagogy.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 10:3
► pp. 268 ff.
Alves, Fábio
Bridging the Gap Between Declarative and Procedural Knowledge in the Training of Translators: Meta-Reflection Under Scrutiny.
Meta 50:4
Beeby, Allison, L. Castillo, Olivia Fox, A. Galán Mañas, Amparo Hurtado Albir, Anna Kuznik, Gisela Massana, Wilhelm Neunzig, Ch. Olalla, Patricia Rodríguez Inés & Lupe Romero
Coban, Fadime
Analysis and Training of the Required Abilities and Skills in Translation in the Light of Translation Models and General Theories of Translation Studies.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 197
► pp. 707 ff.
da Silva, Igor Antônio Lourenço
Dullion, Valérie
Traduire les textes juridiques dans un contexte de plurilinguisme officiel : quelle formation pour quelles compétences spécifiques ?.
Meta 59:3
► pp. 636 ff.
Galán-Mañas, Anabel & Amparo Hurtado Albir
Competence assessment procedures in translator training.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 9:1
► pp. 63 ff.
García González, Marta & María Teresa Veiga Díaz
Guided Inquiry and Project-Based Learning in the field of specialised translation: a description of two learning experiences.
Perspectives 23:1
► pp. 107 ff.
Giozza, Mónica Cecilia & María del Mar Gatti
Lee, Vivian
A model for using the reflective learning journal in the postgraduate translation practice classroom.
Perspectives 23:3
► pp. 489 ff.
Lee, Vivian
Considerations of relevance to the target reader in Korean into English translation.
Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies 3:1
► pp. 62 ff.
Li, Defeng, Chunling Zhang & Yuanjian He
Project-based learning in teaching translation: students’ perceptions.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 9:1
► pp. 1 ff.
Ordóñez-López, Pilar
A critical account of the concept of ‘basic legal knowledge’: theory and practice.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 9:2
► pp. 156 ff.
Way, Catherine
Chapter 8: Intra-University Projects as a Solution to the Simulated/Authentic Dilemma. In
Towards Authentic Experiential Learning in Translator Education,
► pp. 147 ff.
Zheng, Binghan
The role of consultation sources revisited: An empirical study of English–Chinese translation.
Perspectives 22:1
► pp. 113 ff.
Kościałkowska-Okońska, Ewa
Researching Translation Competence: The Expert Problem. In
Correspondences and Contrasts in Foreign Language Pedagogy and Translation Studies [
Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],
► pp. 219 ff.
Lei, Pei Hua
Information Technologies and Translation Instrumental Competence.
Advanced Materials Research 765-767
► pp. 1303 ff.
Neunzig, Wilhelm
Empirical Studies in Translation: Methodological and Epistemological Questions1.
TTR 24:2
► pp. 15 ff.
Sun, Sanjun
Strategies of Translation. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,
Quiroz, Gabriel
Holmes and new profiles in translation.
Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura 16:1
► pp. 5 ff.
Hurtado Albir, Amparo
Compétence en traduction et formation par compétences.
TTR 21:1
► pp. 17 ff.
Kelly, Dorothy
Training the Trainers: Towards a Description of Translator Trainer Competence and Training Needs Analysis.
TTR 21:1
► pp. 99 ff.
Tan, Zaixi
Towards a Whole-Person Translator Education Approach in Translation Teaching on University Degree Programmes 1.
Meta 53:3
► pp. 589 ff.
Kiraly, Don
Project-Based Learning: A Case for Situated Translation.
Meta 50:4
► pp. 1098 ff.
[no author supplied]
Investigating Translation Competence: Conceptual and Methodological Issues.
Meta 50:2
► pp. 609 ff.
[no author supplied]
Evolution of the Efficacy of the Translation Process in Translation Competence Acquisition.
Meta: Journal des traducteurs 64:1
► pp. 242 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 9 september 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.