Part of
Doubts and Directions in Translation Studies: Selected contributions from the EST Congress, Lisbon 2004
Edited by Yves Gambier, Miriam Shlesinger † and Radegundis Stolze
[Benjamins Translation Library 72] 2007
► pp. 169182
Cited by (10)

Cited by ten other publications

Nolette, Nicole
2022. Surtitling and the new networks of theatre translation in Toronto. Translation Studies 15:3  pp. 306 ff. DOI logo
Abraitienė, Lina & Laura Antanavičiūtė
2020. Text Compression in Surtitles: A Case Study of the OperaLa Traviata. Sustainable Multilingualism 16:1  pp. 145 ff. DOI logo
Maria Rędzioch-Korkuz, Anna
2018. Opera surtitling in Poland: an uncharted area of AVT?. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 54:2  pp. 281 ff. DOI logo
Rędzioch-Korkuz, Anna
2018. Constraints on Opera Surtitling: Hindrance or Help?. Meta 63:1  pp. 216 ff. DOI logo
Rędzioch-Korkuz, Anna
2021. Canonical texts in the audiovisual context: surtitlingEugene Oneginfor Polish audiences. Perspectives 29:6  pp. 849 ff. DOI logo
Rędzioch-Korkuz, Anna
2020. Problems and Constraints in Translation: A Semiotic Perspective. Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 26:47  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
Valdeón, Roberto A.
2018. Discourse analysis, pragmatics, multimodal analysis. In Reception Studies and Audiovisual Translation [Benjamins Translation Library, 141],  pp. 111 ff. DOI logo
Ladouceur, Louise
2017. De l’emploi des surtitres anglais dans les théâtres franco-canadiens : bénéfice et préjudice. TTR 28:1-2  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Oncins, Estella
2015. The tyranny of the tool: surtitling live performances. Perspectives 23:1  pp. 42 ff. DOI logo
Silveira, Jason M. & Frank M. Diaz
2014. The effect of subtitles on listeners’ perceptions of expressivity. Psychology of Music 42:2  pp. 233 ff. DOI logo

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