Chapter 10
A constructional analysis of digo
yo in peninsular Spanish
This paper examines the variable functions of
the clausal construction digo
yo (DY) ‘I say’ in contemporary
Peninsular Spanish. A corpus-based analysis shows pendulation
between a communicative DY, which introduces past quotes, and a
metacommunicative DY, which functions as a comment clause. In
initial position, DY resembles a matrix clause, however, its
subject-verb inversion produces a backgrounding effect which renders
the conjunction que (‘that’)
unnecessary and favours a parenthetical analysis of DY. In medial
and final positions DY is an evidential/epistemic comment clause
which overlaps with other epistemic comment clauses (e.g.
creo yo ‘I believe’,
pienso yo ‘I think’).
In order to provide a unified account of the different uses of DY, a
constructional approach is taken. In line with Van Bogaert (2010) and Kaltenböck (2010, 2013), the formal and functional features of
DY are explained through a constructional network. A hierarchical
network captures its links to the communicative construction, while
its analogical connections to other epistemic constructions are
captured in a horizontal network (Traugott, 2018).
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background
- 2.1Previous work
- 2.2Digo yo: Quoting or Commenting?
- 3.Data and methodology
- 4.Analysis and discussion
- 4.1Initial DY
- 4.2Medial and final DY
- 4.3Epistemic comment clauses
- 5.Constructional network
- 6.Conclusions and suggestions for future research