Imperative-Based Dialogic Constructions and Discourse Units
e-Book – Ordering information
ISBN 9789027244918 | EUR 125.00
| USD 163.00
This book weaves together constructions, imperatives, dialogicity, and discourse units. How can that be? This is precisely the question it sets out to answer by working at the crossroads of Construction Grammar (CxG), Corpus Linguistics (CL), and Interactional Linguistics (IL). Profiting from this cross-fertilising synergy, the book singles out BELIEVE (YOU) ME, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THINK AGAIN and MIND YOU as its objects of study, offers an empirical analysis of their properties and situates them within an entrenched and far-reaching, yet conveniently ‘camouflaged’, network of dialogic perspectivisation. In so doing, the book provides novel insights into the mental state verbal fillers of the constructions alongside their imperative-induced non-compositionality and dialogicity which motivate their function as discourse unit framing agents and, per extension, discourse operators. The book thus makes a case for CxG’s ability to go beyond its word-, or phrase-based ‘comfort zone’ and address phenomena at a micro-, meso- and macro-discourse level with across-the-board benefits.
[Constructional Approaches to Language, 39] Expected June 2025. xxvi, 232 pp. + index
Publishing status: In production
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
| pp. vii–viii
List of figures | pp. xiii–xiv
List of tables | pp. xv–xx
List of abbreviations | pp. xxi–xxiv
Preface and acknowledgements | pp. xxv–xxvi
Chapter 1. Introduction and scope | pp. 1–12
Chapter 2. Theoretical perspectives on foundational concepts | pp. 13–40
Chapter 3. Methodological challenges: Sampling and research design | pp. 41–57
Chapter 4. The believe-family constructions | pp. 58–88
Chapter 5. think again | pp. 89–118
Chapter 6. mind you | pp. 119–144
Chapter 7. The dialogic perspectivisation network and beyond | pp. 145–159
Chapter 8. Conclusion and future research prospects | pp. 160–168
Data resources and corpora | pp. 169–192
Appendix I | p. 194
Appendix II | pp. 195–232
Main BIC Subject
CFK: Grammar, syntax
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009060: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Syntax