Table of contents
1. Speaking of colors and odors
2. Color smell, and language: The semiotic nature of perception and language
3. How can language cope with color? Functional aspects of the nervous system
4. Color perception, color description and metaphor
5. Attractiveness and adornment: Reference to colors and smells in Papuan speech communities
6. Color terms between elegance and beauty. The verbalization of color with textiles and cosmetics
7. Color names and dynamic imagery
8. From blue stockings to blue movies: Color metonymies in English
9. Odor memory: The unique nature of a memory system
10. From psychophysics to semiophysics: Categories as acts of meaning. A case study from olfaction and audition, back to colors
11. Cognition, olfaction and linguistic creativity: Linguistic synesthesia as poetic device in cologne advertisement
12. Understanding synesthetic expressions: Vision and olfaction with the physiological = psychological model
13. Olfactory and visual processing and verbalization: Cross-cultural and neurosemiotic dimensions
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