A linguistic cycle for speech orienters
Constructional changes in the development and loss of quotative markers in Bantu languages
This paper describes the way in which represented speech is introduced in ten eastern Bantu languages, and
explains the different constructions used as stages of a linguistic cycle. In this cycle, verbs of speech develop into quotative
markers, and eventually cease to be used to introduce direct speech. This cycle can be understood as a systematic and
unidirectional series of constructional changes.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Represented speech, speech orienters, and constructions
- 1.2Data
- 2.Stages in the linguistic cycle
- 2.1Contrasting speech verbs: Alternative microconstructions
- 2.2Default speech verb
- 2.3Incipient quotative marker
- 2.4Obligatory quotative marker
- 2.5Unstable quotative marker
- 3.Conclusion
Contrasting speech verbs: [X‑Vspeech
Default speech verb: [X‑say
RepSp] and [X‑Vspeech X‑say
Incipient quotative marker: [X‑say
RepSp] and [X‑Vspeech QM RepSp]
Obligatory quotative marker: [(X‑Vspeech) QM RepSp]
Unstable quotative marker: [X‑Vspeech (QM) RepSp]
- Notes
- Abbreviations