Name index
- Ahern, Stephen
19, 23, 32, 95, 107
- Ahmed, Sarah
7, 10, 14, 30–32, 34, 43, 45–47, 71, 137,
- Aljoe, Nicole
xvi, xxii, 274, 287
- Antoine, Justina
56–57, 60,
- Anyidoho, Kofi
xxii, xxiv
- Aristotle
5, 159–160, 163, 165, 169,
191, 277
- Avellaneda, Gertrudis Gómez de
xiv, 8, 114, 136–155
- Azevedo, Aluísio
113, 121
- Baggesgaard, Mads-Anders
- Beah, Ishmael
307–308, 311–322
- Beaumont, Gustave de
10, 34–49
- Belleforest, François de
163, 171
- Benoist, Marie-Guillemine67
- Bethell, Leslie
111–112, 115
- Bhabha, Homi
xvi, 50, 68, 70, 71
- Bibb, Henry
182–84, 186,
- Bindman, David
56, 60, 65
- Birkeli, Helene Agnes
5, 50–77, 325
- Blassingame, John
178, 183, 188
- Bonaparte, Napoleon
35, 39, 57, 79, 192,
- Branche, Jerome
137, 149, 290–291
- Brooks, Peter
8, 136, 139–140, 143, 152
- Brown, Christopher L.
7, 129
- Brown, Henry Box
183, 319, 320, 322
- Brown, Henry
180, 184, 185, 187
- Bruun, Elisabeth Henriette61
- Burr, Aaron
78–81, 85–86, 91–92, 86–86, 90, 92
- Camões, Luís Vaz de
2, 12, 254–270
- Carey, Brycchan
7, 42, 95, 115, 118,
- Castiglia, Christopher
- Castilho, António Feliciano de
262, 264
- Chateaubriand, François René de
36, 39, 44–45, 48, 197, 199, 205,
261–262, 269
- Chesnut, Mary Boykin
176, 214
- Child, Lydia Maria
8, 39, 41, 207, 210,
- Christian VIII of Denmark66
- Clarkson, Thomas
23–28, 30–32
- Cobbett, William
21–23, 25,
27–28, 32
- Colbert, Jean-Baptiste
273, 280
- Collins, Jean-Marie
- Cottias, Myriam
xix–xx, xxiii, 239–253
- Couti, Jacqueline
239, 252
- Cozart Riggio, Milla
59, 72
- Crenshaw, Kimberlé
115, 131
- Dahlerup, Hans Birch
53–56, 64,
- Dalberg, Wolfgang Heribert von
97–98, 104,
- Daut, Marlene
xviii, xv, xxiii,
1, 14, 81–83, 90, 93
- Davidson, Cathy N.
79, 83–85, 92–93
- Davies, Catherine
108, 114, 131, 136–137, 154
- Davis, Angela
xix, xxiii, 3, 14, 112,
114, 126, 129,
131, 163, 171,
- Dayan, Joan
79–82, 89,
- Debien, Gabriel
228, 233, 237, 244
- Del Monte, Domingo
- Delhoste, Pierre
230, 238
- Denby, David
8, 136, 153–154
- Desan, Suzanne
85, 88, 93
- Dessalines, Jean-Jacques79
- Dessalles, Adrien
- Dessalles, Pierre
- Dew, Thomas Roderick
179–180, 215
- Diawara, Manthia
xii, xxiii
- Diderot, Denis
141–143, 153–154, 162
- Dillon, Elizabeth Maddock
79, 84, 86, 93, 134,
189, 287, 323
- Diptée, Audra A.
xx, xxiii
- Dobie, Madeleine
xiii–xiv, xxiii, 2–14, 21, 33–48, 59, 90, 93, 162,
170–171, 192–193, 206, 272, 325, 328
- Donkoh, Wilhelmina J.
xx, xxiii
- Douglass, Frederick
176, 181–186, 189, 308–314, 320, 322–323
- Drexler, Michael J.
80, 85, 89, 91, 93
- Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt
79, 81, 93, 161, 171
- Du Tertre, Jean-Baptiste
272–273, 275–280, 282–285, 287,
- Duarte, Eduardo de Assis
112, 118, 120, 124, 127,
- Dwyer, Erin
6, 12, 173–190
- Eckersberg, Christoffer Wilhelm
50, 64, 69, 74
- Eggers, Christian Ulrich Detlev von
106, 108
- Elias, Norbert
7–8, 231,
237, 248, 252
- Elias, Otto-Heinrich
- Elisabeth, Léo
242, 244, 252
- Ellis, Robert Richmond305
- Equiano, Olaudah
xiii, xv, 9, 14, 319,
- Falconbridge, Alexander
26, 32–33, 102–103, 108
- Fanon, Frantz
xxiii, 14, 72,
206, 287
- Faria e Sousa, Manuel de
- Fend, Mechthild
65, 67, 70, 72
- Ferguson, Alfred R.
118, 131
- Festa, Lynn
6–7, 10–11, 14, 18–33, 46, 62,
72, 87, 89, 93, 130–131, 149, 151, 153–154, 325
- Fog Olwig, Karen
53, 56, 72
- Foreman, Gabrielle
114, 134
- Foucault, Michel
159, 299–300, 305
- Fowkes Tobin, Beth
55, 72
- Fox, Charles James
19, 21
- Fredrickson, George M.
118, 121, 132, 180, 189
- Frémont, Henri de
242, 244, 252
- Frémont, Louis de
241, 242, 244, 252
- Friedman, Susan Stanford
xviii, xxiii
- Friol, Roberto
290–292, 295,
- Garnsey, Peter
191–192, 206
- Garraway, Doris
14, 132, 134, 155, 272,
275, 278, 285,
- Garrett, Almeida
263–264, 269
- Gasparin, Valérie de
202, 205
- Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.
73, 113–114, 121, 131–132, 305–306
- Gikandi, Simon
vii–x, 4,
- Gilroy, Paul
xvii, xxiii, 105,
- Giuriato, Davide
101, 108
- Glissant, Edouard
xii, xxiii
- Goffman, Erving
7, 14, 42, 48
- Gomez de Avellaneda, Gertrudis
xxiv, 8, 114, 131, 136–155
- Gordon-Reed, Annette
14, 232, 237
- Gouges, Olympe de
xiv, 85, 90, 170
- Grau-Llevería, Elena
145, 154
- Greuze, Jean-Baptiste
- Gruber von Grubenfels, Carl Anton97
- Hall, Florence
- Hammond, James H.
187, 189
- Harper, William
118, 173–174, 176–177, 179–180, 189
- Harrigan, Michael
272–273, 275–276, 279, 286–287
- Hartman, Saidiya V.
xiii, xxiv, 9,
15, 68, 73, 232, 237
- Hauzan, Calixte
243–244, 251
- Hébrard, Jean
xvii, 130, 132
- Henson, Josiah
181–182, 189
- Hinton, Laura
209, 213, 223
- Hoffmann, Léon-François
40, 43, 48, 89, 93,
- Holbech, Niels P.
10, 50–51, 53, 59–60, 62–63, 65, 69
- Howell, Martha
230, 236–37
- Hunt, Lynn
11, 15, 103, 108, 136,
149, 153–154, 209, 223
- Ibbett, Katherine
160, 163, 169–171
- Jackson, Andrew
38–39, 48
- Jau
254, 257, 263–265, 268–269
- Jefferson, Thomas
4, 12, 14, 104, 175–176, 189
- Jensen, Lars
52, 69, 120, 132, 159,
- Jephcott, Edmund
237, 252
- Johnson, Claudia
20, 22, 33, 187
- Keckley, Elizabeth
319, 323
- Kemble, Fanny
178–179, 190
- Kirkpatrick, Susan
137, 140, 154
- Kitson, Peter J.
126, 131, 134–135
- Kjærgård, Jonas Ross
78–94, 326
- Kotzebue, August von
95–101, 103–105, 107–109
- Kullberg, Christina
6–7, 13,
272–288, 328
- Labanyi, Jo
138, 153, 155
- Labat, Jean-Baptiste
272, 275, 283–287
- Lacan, Jacques
207–209, 214,
217, 224, 310
- Lafont, Anne
60, 64–65, 73
- Lamartine, Alphonse de
191–197, 200–203, 205–206
- Lambert, Sheila
25–26, 29–31, 33
- Las Casas, Bartolomé de
- Leclerc, Charles-Victoire-Emmanuel
79–80, 86,
- Lewis, Frank D.
xvii, xxiii
- Louis XIV, king of France280
- Louis XVI, king of France246
- Lovejoy, Paul
xvii, xxiv, 122,
128, 133
- Luis, William
136–137, 155,
290, 293, 295,
- Madden, Richard Robert
292–295, 304–306
- Maingueneau, Dominique274
- Manzano, Juan Francisco
xiii, 6, 9, 13, 289–305, 329
- Maravall, José Antonio
152, 155
- Marcellus, Marie-Louis Demartin du Tyrac, comte de
191, 197–199, 202, 205
- Marnoto, Rita
260, 269–270
- Massardier-Kenney, Françoise
114, 132
- Massumi, Brian
10, 15, 20–21, 28, 33, 43, 48,
62, 73
- Maza, Sarah
230–231, 234,
- McClintock, Anne
51, 64, 73
- McGowan, Todd
20–29, 207–208, 211, 213, 217, 220, 224
- Mejer Antonsen, Inge
50, 53, 59–60
- Mercier, Louis-Sébastien105
- Metrass, Francisco Augusto
- Mignolo, Walter
xix, xxiv
- Miller, Christopher L.
42, 48, 161, 166, 172,
191, 206, 272,
283, 288
- Miller, Marilyn G.
6, 9, 13, 289–306, 328
- Miller, Marilyn
13, 289–306
- Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel de Riqueti31
- Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
164–165, 167
- Molloy, Sylvia
290, 293, 306
- Mongin, Jean
272–273, 275,
279–284, 286,
- Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
199, 205
- Montalbetti, Christine
191, 206
- Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de
92, 205
- Montfleury, Antoine Jacob de
158–159, 167–169, 171–172
- Moore, Alexandra Schultheis
317, 323
- Morais Filho, José Nascimento
113, 133
- Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric-Louis-Elie
228, 237
- Moritz Schwarcz, Lilia
57–58, 74
- Moussa, Sarga
6–7, 191–206
- Mulot, Stéphanie
149, 155
- Murphy, Laura T.
xvii, xxiv, 2,
13, 307–323, 329
- Muzart, Zahidé L.
111, 112, 133
- Nerval, Gérard de
191, 200, 205–206
- Ngai, Sianne
10, 15, 28, 33
- Nielsen, Per
55, 64, 69, 71–74
- Northrup, Solomon
181, 186–187, 319
- Oboe, Annalisa
xvii, xxiv
- O’Brien, Colleen C.
137, 151, 155
- Olney, James
xv, xxiv, 9, 15, 309,
- Palmer, Jennifer
6, 9, 12, 226–238
- Peabody, Sue
40, 48, 275–276, 279, 288
- Pétré-Grenouilleau, Olivier193
- Pigault-Lebrun, Charles
83–84, 93–94
- Pinheiro, Thayara R.
118, 124, 127, 133
- Poincy, Phillippe de Longvilliers de278
- Pückler-Muskau, Hermann, Fürst von
191–192, 204
- Radhakrishnan, R
xviii, xxiv
- Raimon, Eve Allegra
114–15, 133
- Rancière, Jacques
6, 15, 20, 33
- Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas François
100, 108–109
- Reddy, William
xx, 5–6, 8, 15, 43,
- Rediker, Marcus
19, 24, 33
- Regourd, François
273, 287
- Reis, Maria Firmina dos
11, 110–111, 113, 130–131, 133–135
- Robespierre, Maximilien93
- Robinson-Dunn, Diane
193, 206
- Robison, Lori
6, 8, 207–24
- Rochambeau, Donatien-Marie-Joseph de Vimeur, vicomte de
79, 81, 90
- Romeo Fivel-Démoret, Sharon
137, 155
- Rosenthal, Leon
55, 68, 74, 290, 306
- Rossignol, Marie-Magdeleine
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
42, 48, 104, 162, 267
- Sala-Molins, Louis
xiii, xix, xxiv, 2, 15,
40, 49, 196, 206, 272,
- Sampson, Philip
56, 61, 74
- Samuels, Shirley
19, 33, 115, 134–135
- Sansay, Leonora
11, 15, 78–94
- Sawyer, George S.
- Schlegel, Friedrich
101, 109
- Schmidt, Florian
103–4, 106,
109, 192–193, 206
- Schoelcher, Victor
40, 49, 193, 202, 205
- Schulman, Ivan A.
- Scudéry, Georges de
xiii, 158–159, 164–167, 171
- Sell, Johann Jacob
96, 100, 102–103, 109
- Shakespeare, William
xiv, 91, 147–48, 162–63, 257
- Simonsen, Karen-Margrethe
8, 11, 56, 65, 69,
75, 136–157
- Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty
xviii, xxiv
- Sprengel, Matthias Christian96
- Stein, Sophus August Wilhelm
65, 71
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher
xiv, 8, 47, 118, 149,
177, 207–11, 218–19
- Stroyer, Jacob
186–188, 190
- Taunay, Nicolas-Antoine
- Tennenhouse, Leonard
79, 91–92, 94
- Tocqueville, Alexis de
10, 34–36, 38–40, 46–47, 49
- Trouillot, Michel-Rolph
xvi, xxiv, 2, 15, 81–82, 94
- Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de205
- Weiss, Gillian
161, 171–172
- Wells Brown, William
39, 41, 319–320
- Wilberforce, William
22–23, 27–28, 98, 102,
- Williams, Raymond
6, 79–80, 83–84
- Wilson, Harriet E.
113–14, 119
- Wood, Marcus
24–25, 29–30, 33, 125–126, 134–135
- Zin, Rafael B.
111, 118, 135
- Zurara, Gomes Eanes de