Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing III
Selected papers from RANLP 2003
Netlibrary e-Book – Not for resale
ISBN 9781423766469
This volume brings together revised versions of a selection of papers presented at the 2003 International Conference on “Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing”. A wide range of topics is covered in the volume: semantics, dialogue, summarization, anaphora resolution, shallow parsing, morphology, part-of-speech tagging, named entity, question answering, word sense disambiguation, information extraction. Various ‘state-of-the-art’ techniques are explored: finite state processing, machine learning (support vector machines, maximum entropy, decision trees, memory-based learning, inductive logic programming, transformation-based learning, perceptions), latent semantic analysis, constraint programming. The papers address different languages (Arabic, English, German, Slavic languages) and use different linguistic frameworks (HPSG, LFG, constraint-based DCG).
This book will be of interest to those who work in computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, human language technology, translation studies, cognitive science, psycholinguistics, artificial intelligence, and informatics.
This book will be of interest to those who work in computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, human language technology, translation studies, cognitive science, psycholinguistics, artificial intelligence, and informatics.
[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 260] 2004. xii, 402 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 4 September 2006
Published online on 4 September 2006
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Editors’ Foreword | p. ix
I. Invited lectures
A type-theoretic approach to anaphora and ellipsis resolutionChris Fox and Shalom Lappin | p. 1
Human dialogue modelling using machine learningYorick Wilks, Nick Webb, Andrea Setzer, Mark Hepple and Roberta Catizone | p. 17
Learning domain theoriesStephen G. Pulman and Maria Liakata | p. 29
Recent developments in temporal information extractionInderjeet Mani | p. 45
Annotation-based finite state processing in a large-scale NLP arhitectureBranimir K. Boguraev | p. 61
II. Lexical semantics and lexical knowledge acquisition
Acquiring lexical paraphrases from a single corpusOren Glickman and Ido Dagan | p. 81
Multi-word collocation extraction by syntactic composition of collocation bigramsVioleta Seretan, Luka Nerima and Eric Wehrli | p. 91
Combining independent modules in lexical multiple-choice problemsPeter D. Turney, Michael L. Littman, Jeffrey Bigham and Victor Shnayder | p. 101
Roget’s thesaurus and semantic similarityMario Jarmasz and Stan Szpakowicz | p. 111
Clustering WordNet word sensesEneko Agirre and Oier Lopez de Lacalle | p. 121
Inducing hyperlinking rules in text collectionsRoberto Basili, Maria Teresa Pazienza and Fabio Massimo Zanzotto | p. 131
Near-synonym choice in natural language generationDiana Zaiu Inkpen and Graeme Hirst | p. 141
III. Tagging, parsing and syntax
Fast and accurate part-of-speech tagging: The SVM approach revisitedJesús Giménez and Lluís Màrquez | p. 153
Part-of-speech tagging with minimal lexicalizationVirginia Savova and Leon Peshkin | p. 163
Accurate annotation: An efficiency metricAntónio Branco and João Silva | p. 173
Structured parameter estimation for LFG-DOPMary Hearne and Khalil Sima’an | p. 183
Parsing without grammar — Using complete trees insteadSandra Kübler | p. 193
Phrase recognition by filtering and ranking with perceptronsXavier Carreras and Lluís Màrquez | p. 205
Cascaded finite-state partial parsing: A larger-first approachSebastian van Delden and Fernando Gomez | p. 217
A constraint-based bottom-up counterpart to definite clause grammarsHenning Christiansen | p. 227
IV. Information extraction
Using parallel texts to improve recall in botanyMary McGee Wood, Susannah J. Lydon, Valentin Tablan, Diana Maynard and Hamish Cunningham | p. 237
Marking atomic events in sets of related textsElena Filatova and Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou | p. 247
Semantically driven approach for scenario recognition in the IE system FRETSvetla Boytcheva, Milena Yankova and Albena Strupchanska | p. 257
A framework for named entity recognition in the open domainRichard J. Evans | p. 267
Latent semantic analysis and the construction of coherent extractsTristan Miller | p. 277
Facilitating email thread access by extractive summary generationAni Nenkova and Amit Bagga | p. 287
Towards deeper understanding of the latent semantic analysis performancePreslav Nakov, Elena Valchanova and Galia Angelova | p. 297
Automatic linking of similar texts across languagesBruno Pouliquen, Ralf Steinberger and Camelia Ignat | p. 307
Verb phrase ellipsis detection using machine learning techniquesLeif Arda Nielsen | p. 317
HPSG-based annotation scheme for corpora development and parsing evaluationKiril Iv. Simov | p. 327
Arabic Morpho-syntax for Text-to-SpeechAllan Ramsay and Hanady Mansour | p. 337
Guessing morphological classes of unknown German nounsPreslav Nakov, Yury Bonev, Galia Angelova, Evelyn Gius and Walther von Hahn | p. 347
Building sense tagged corpora with volunteer contributions over the WebRada Mihalcea and Timothy Chklovski | p. 357
Reducing false positives by expert combination in automatic keyword indexingAnette Hulth | p. 367
Socrates: A question answering prototype for BulgarianHristo T. Tanev | p. 377
Unsupervised natural language disambiguation using non-ambiguous wordsRada Mihalcea | p. 387
List of Contributors | p. 397
Index | p. 399
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General