Sub-extraction from subjects: A phase theory account
Cited by (25)
Cited by 25 other publications
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Stigliano, Laura & Ming Xiang
2021 .
Experimental Evidence on Island Effects in Spanish Relative Clauses .
Probus 33:2
► pp. 271 ff.
Stigliano, Laura & Ming Xiang
2021 .
Experimental Evidence on Island Effects in Spanish Relative Clauses .
Probus 33:2
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Sande, Hannah, Peter Jenks & Sharon Inkelas
2020 .
Cophonologies by Ph(r)ase .
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 38:4
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Winckel, Elodie & Anne Abeillé
Talić, Aida
2019 .
Upward P-cliticization, accent shift, and extraction out of PP .
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 37:3
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Rizzi, Luigi & Giuliano Bocci
2017 .
Left Periphery of the Clause: Primarily Illustrated for Italian . In
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Phan, Trang & Eric T. Lander
2015 .
Vietnamese and the NP/DP parameter .
Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 60:3
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Bošković, Željko
2014 .
Now I’m a Phase, Now I’m Not a Phase: On the Variability of Phases with Extraction and Ellipsis .
Linguistic Inquiry 45:1
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Bošković, Željko
2016 .
Getting Really Edgy: On the Edge of the Edge .
Linguistic Inquiry 47:1
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Bošković, Željko
2018 .
On Movement out of Moved Elements, Labels, and Phases .
Linguistic Inquiry 49:2
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Ko, Heejeong
2014 .
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Edges of adjunct and secondary predication . In
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2014 .
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Ko, Heejeong
2014 .
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[no author supplied]
2014 .
General preface . In
Edges in Syntax ,
► pp. viii ff.
[no author supplied]
2014 .
Preface . In
Edges in Syntax ,
► pp. ix ff.
[no author supplied]
2014 .
Introduction . In
Edges in Syntax ,
► pp. xvi ff.
[no author supplied]
2014 .
Copyright Page . In
Edges in Syntax ,
► pp. iv ff.
[no author supplied]
2014 .
List of abbreviations . In
Edges in Syntax ,
► pp. xii ff.
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