Table of contents
Section I. Computational and corpus linguistics
Systematicity in the Arabic Mental Lexicon
Arabic PAPPI: A Principles and Parameters Parser
Corpus-based linguistic analyses: Testing intuitions about Arabic structure and use
Learning Arabic morphology using statistical constraint-satisfaction models
Learning to use the Prague Arabic Dependency Treebank
Section II. Phonology, morphology, and syntax
Intonational and rhythmic patterns across the dialect continuum
Roots and patterns in Arabic lexical processing
Affrication in North Arabic revisited
The syntax of complex tense in Moroccan Arabic
Section III. Sociolinguistics and second language acquisition
On agree and postcyclic merge in syntactic derivations: First conjunct agreement in standard Arabic
Null subjects use by English and Spanish learners of Arabic as an L2
Linguistic diversity: The Qaaf across Arabic dialects
Arabic sociolinguistics and cultural diversity in Morocco
The gendered use of Arabic and other languages in Morocco
Index of subjects
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