Children’s Literature, Culture, and Cognition
The overarching aim of the CLCC series is to promote new theoretical approaches in the realm of children’s literature research on the one hand, and to particularly encourage a non-Anglo-American focus, bringing in exciting research from other areas, on the other hand. In addition, the series presents research from many linguistic areas to an international audience, reinforces interaction between research conducted in many different languages and presents high standard research on the basis of secondary sources in a number of languages and based in a variety of research traditions. Basically the book series encourages a cross- and interdisciplinary approach on the basis of literary studies, media studies, comparative studies, reception studies, literacy studies, cognitive studies, and linguistics. The series includes monographs and essay collections which are international in scope and intend to stimulate innovative research with a focus on children’s literature (including other media), children’s culture and cognition, thus encouraging interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in this expanding field.
The series welcomes submissions. Proposals for the series will be reviewed by two anonymous reviewers and the series editors. When accepted the full submitted manuscript will also be reviewed by two anonymous reviewers. Book proposals, preferably structured along the lines indicated in our Guidelines for Book Proposals, can be sent to the series editors or to the responsible Benjamins acquisition editor.
ISSN: 2212-9006
17 |
Edited by Elina Druker and Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer
2023. xv, 306 pp.
16 |
Edited by Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak and Macarena García-González
2023. x, 220 pp.
15 |
Edited by Charlotte Appel, Nina Christensen and M.O. Grenby
2023. xv, 388 pp.
14 |
Edited by Britta Juska-Bacher, Wendelin Sroka, Tuija Laine and M.O. Grenby
2023. xix, 375 pp.
13 |
Edited by Karen Coats and Gretchen Papazian
2023. x, 242 pp.
12 |
Ilgım Veryeri Alaca
2022. xvii, 260 pp.
11 |
Anne Malewski
2021. xi, 229 pp.
10 |
Yael Darr
2018. xii, 186 pp.
9 |
Sara Pankenier Weld
2018. xiv, 236 pp.
8 |
Anna Katrina Gutierrez
2017. xix, 230 pp.
7 |
Edited by Nina Goga and Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer
2017. x, 267 pp.
6 |
Helle Strandgaard Jensen
2017. xii, 188 pp.
5 |
Edited by Elina Druker and Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer
2015. xii, 295 pp.
4 |
Clémentine Beauvais
2015. xii, 226 pp.
3 |
Maria Nikolajeva
2014. viii, 247 pp.
2 |
Roberta Trites
2014. viii, 164 pp.
1 |
Lydia Kokkola
2013. x, 236 pp.
Editorial Board